How much idle time was incurred by the waxing process

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM13315909

Q1 Scheduling

The BUS670 Company has for projects to complete and four workers with varying degree os expertise for each project. Estimates of process time (in hours) for each project by each worker are shown below. Development time costs an average of $200 per hour. Assign each worker to a project so that cost is minimized.

Worker Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4
Bryan 20 10 12 20
Kari 12 4 8 12
Noah 14 12 10 12
Chris 18 10 8 20

Part 1a If management wishes to schedule workers with specific projects that minimizes total cost and gets all projects done, what would that minimized cost be?

Part 1b Which project should be assigned to which worker for minimizing the total cost?

Q2 Scheduling

Car Washing Waxing
1 10 10
2 3 2
3 7 5
4 8 6
5 5 5

The local car wash has five cars waiting to be washed and waxed. The time required in minutes for each activity is given below.

Part 2a In what order should the cars be processed through the facility that is the most efficient overall?

Part 2b How long from start to finish will it take to complete the processing the five cars?

Part 2c How much idle time was incurred by the washing process?

Part 2d How much idle time was incurred by the waxing process?

Q3 Forecasting

Suppose today is May 16, 2014 and the data below are the historical sales figures for the BUS670 company for the last few years.

Part 1 -- Forecast the weekly sales for the next 52 weeks and put these values in cells B174 through B225 below.

Part 2 -- How many more or fewer sales will the forecasted 52 weeks have over the prior 52 weeks?

Part 3 -- Which forecasted week is expected to have the greatest sales volume?

Part 4 -- Which forecasted week is expected to have the lowest sales volume?

Q4 Consulting

Part 1 -- Project Consulting

Please refer to the four PowerPoint documents. These are actual analyses produced about specific companies. Please select ONE of these 4 presentations and in a Word document, please provide detailed suggestions to the authors of the material that would improve the quality of the content, as though you were the teacher grading the material. The comments should be of value, and not cosmetic or immaterial, such as wording suggestions, number of pages or length suggestions, etc., but instead should be focused on crisp, clear, and concise recommendations that would increase the value the output. For the sake of this question, suppose this project was scored a C. Please list all the recommedations that would make it an A+.

Part 2 -- BusinessConsulting

Refering to the same PowerPoint project you addressed in part 1 above, in a Word document, please provide a critique of this document from a BUSINESS CONSULTING perspective. For this question, your comments about about business implications, recommendations, and your thoughts of the project as it relates to business issues. If you think there is a poingnat point that was not made in the PowerPout but should have been, that is a comment about content that you should list here. If they never discussed the impact of a certain element of the business, or perhaps did not mention the impact on the product, pricing, customer, comeptitor, workers, etc. these are comments woth making. If the recommendations they made do not help the business but instead you have a better recommendation stemming from the material that could aid the business, then that is a comment you should produce. You are not critiquing the PowerPoint from an teacher point of view here. You are critiquing it from a BUSINESS CONSULTING point of view. Please pick the same one PowerPoint document for part 1 and part 2 and provide whatever obserations, comments, etc that themselves add value.

Attachment:- ASTAT_Question.xlsx

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Reference no: EM13315909

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