How much have we been learning about black thought & culture

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133737219 , Length: Words Count:1000


And how much have we been learning about Black Thought & Culture? So far you have dived deep into critical analysis of blackness, restocking shelves, putting items in your cart, and now, as you've immersed yourself in this exploration of black culture in America, you're ready to check out. As you draft this second paper, I want you to demonstrate the knowledge you've accumulated by once again sharing what you have learned versus prior knowledge.

This paper should demonstrate your understanding of Black thought and culture from Units 4-6, from the Harlem Renaissance to Black Power & The Audacity of Hip Hop. What aspects of culture did black folk bring? What intellectual contributions did they offer? What role did various laws play? In what ways was music and art symbolic? What types of relationships were forged? How did the Civil Rights Movement impact black folks? How did reclaiming blackness play into all this? All these are questions to help you get started on your journey.

Use the resources provided for you in this course (ppt, media, text), but also use your own knowledge to examine the construction of black identity through artistic, philosophical, spiritual, ideological, and historical lenses. 700 to 1000 words (no more than 3 pages). You will be using citations (MLA) so please refer to the style guide.

Reference no: EM133737219

Questions Cloud

How much people in the 17th century believed in evil spirits : The infamous Salem witch trials of 1692 show how much people in the 17th century believed in evil spirits.
What impact did the stone rebellion have on slaves : What impact did the Stone Rebellion have on slaves?
What about connections between rome and our world today : What do the art works you've learned about in these sections tell us about how earlier cultures used their art as a form of messaging and propaganda?
Summarize the rise of islam in the 7th century : Summarize The rise of Islam in the 7th century significantly altered the religious and political landscape of the Mediterranean and near East.
How much have we been learning about black thought & culture : And how much have we been learning about Black Thought & Culture? So far you have dived deep into critical analysis of blackness, restocking shelves.
What were important wartime rehearsals for reconstruction : Unwilling to surrender his army, General Robert E. Lee fought a desperate battle at Appomattox Courthouse, marking one of the bloodiest battles of Civil War.
What makes a revolution revolutionary : Based on that definition, which of the American, French, Haitian, and Latin Americans were most and least revolutionary, and why?
What was his contribution to the bracero program : When was the Bracero program created and how long did it last? What historical event took place that influenced the bi-national program?
Think about lincolns idea of a political religion : Think about Lincoln's idea of a "political religion" as presented in his "Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions" speech.


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