Reference no: EM132280888
Assignment: A minimum of 75 words each question and References (IF NEEDED)(Response #1-6) keep response with answer
Make sure the Responses includes the Following: (a) an understanding of the weekly content as supported by a scholarly resource, (b) a relation of the course content to personal or professional experience, and/or (c) the provision of a probing question.
1) Life expectancy is an estimated average (hypothetical) number of additional years a person is given at a certain age (Bezy, n.d.). In contrast to health expectancy, life expectancy can be increased by the number of years a person is healthy, meaning without having health complications ("Lecture 8," 2018, para. 3). Living a healthy life can cause a person to have a long-life expectancy. Life expectancy has factors such as socioeconomic status (SES), educational levels, health care access and health habits
2) In contrasting life expectancy and health expectancy, one first measures them very differently. Life expectancy being the measured whole life and health expectancy measured by the health of that whole life (Stiefel, Perla, & Zell, 2010). More specifically, life expectancy is the expected period on average an individual is projected to live, a statistical analysis of life expectancy based on and influenced by gender, demographics, and lifestyle choices (Stiefel, Perla, & Zell, 2010). Health expectancy is a measure of health that combines length and quality of life into a single measure, the average expected number of years of life an individual has with good health, typically measured from birth to a particular age depending on current death/illness rates (Stiefel, Perla, & Zell, 2010). The differences between the two are strongly influenced by lifestyle choices and the biopsychosocial model, viewing health in old age a result of the combination of biological, psychological and social behaviors (Stiefel, Perla, & Zell, 2010).
3) Life expectancy and health expectancy are both important things. Even though both terms are important, they are also very different. Life expectancy means the average life span of an individual (Marriam-Webster, 2008). It basically means judging someone and trying to figure out how much longer they have in their life. This used to be the way that people would see if a certain population was healthy and if they were not healthy. As mortality rates decline and life expectancy increases, more and more questions arise about the quality of the years live (Robine, Romieu and Cambois, 1999). This part leads you too health expectancy, Health expectancy basically breaks things down more than so that someone can understand what is going on. One thing this important about the health expectancies is that it can some someone things about the men and women's difference in between each one ( Romieu and Cambois, and robin, 1999). I believe that even though each one is important I think that Health expectancy may be the most important one because it tries to explain that if a person comes down with a problem then they cannot live and continue to like they are supposed to. Some people my not be able to live their full expectancy time and that is what a friend is trying to say because someone may have a disease where they cannot do everything they are supposed to leave their full life.
4) Let's try and incorporate the BPS model here. How do you think the BPS approach will/should play a role in the evolution of Health Psychology?
5) Health psychology has made major advances and expanded rapidly (Sarafino& Smith, 2017). There are factors that have affected and will continue to affect the growth of health psychology such as 1) how much financial support will there be for research, clinical intervention and promotion for activities 2) future education and training for health psychology students 3) people's health and psychological status due to environmental factors 4) patient's quality of life and 5) ethical decisions made in medical care (Sarafino& Smith, 2017).
6) The field of health psychology at its early stage in development and it is influenced by ever-changing discoveries in basis biomedical research, patterns in health and illness, and procedures in health care (Fennell & Adams, 2011). The field of health psychology has made enormous advances, generating new knowledge and applying information gained from many disciplines to supplement medical efforts in promoting health (Fisher, 2011). The profession of health psychology has increased dramatically. Health Psychology, Division 38 was formed in 1978 and now has more than 2700 members; its journal, has the second highest circulation of any American Psychological Association journal (Chamberlin, 2008) (RR8, Lecture).