How much factors propose contribute to aggressive behaviour

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133466447


Using the case study below (Michael), evaluate the following theories in terms of how much the factors they propose contribute to his aggressive behaviour (1.1):

  • Lorenz's innate theory
  • Freud's drive theory
  • Bandura's social learning theory
  • Dollard's frustration-aggression hypothesis

Case Study: Michael

Michael is 19 years of age. He was 'statemented' as a young child and experienced difficulties at school - he was temporarily excluded from primary school on three occasions as a result of violence and aggression towards other children. Staff reported that he would remain calm during his punishment, but would invariably lash out at other children some hours later. At the age of 15 Michael was permanently excluded from secondary school after a series of temporary exclusions for violence against pupils and staff. Michael subsequently attended a Pupil Referral Unit in order to continue his education, and here he encountered members of a county lines gang who offered him money to be a courier.

Now that Michael is a young adult, he boxes regularly in a gym and this has reduced the number of spontaneous fights he gets into. He is, however, an avid social media user and has recently been taunting gang members from his area online.

As a police officer, you come across Michael in response to an emergency call-out. You find him in the street with a stab wound to his chest - on-lookers tell you that he was involved in a fight between rival gangs.

How much the factors of the following theories contribute to the aggression behavior of the case study? Michael

  • Different perspectives
  • And approaches
  • Innate theory (Lorenz), drive theory (Sigmund Freud), social learning theory (Albert Bandura), frustration - aggression hypothesis (Dollar).

Reference no: EM133466447

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