How much do you rely on vision or hearing

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Reference no: EM132230444

Discussion Topic: "Practice Using Your Other Senses"

How much do you rely on vision or hearing? This project requires you to spend a minimum of 30 minutes (1 hour would be better if possible) observing the world while one of your primary senses is greatly restricted or missing.

Note: Please be very careful when doing this activity. I strongly advise you to have a companion accompany you to help keep you from possible harm.

Choose ONE of the following activities for this discussion:

Activity A

1. Research information on the internet (remember to use valid/reliable websites) related to blindness.

2. Spend at least ½ an hour "observing" without using your eyes -- rely on hearing, smell, touch (if appropriate). During this time, try to do several different things (e.g., in the past a student had a friend take her to a store where she selected and purchased something -- all while not using her vision; another student put on a blindfold immediately upon awakening then went through his morning routine).

3. In your discussion you will first summarize IN YOUR OWN WORDS some of the information you found in your research (perhaps focus on something interesting or surprising) - remember to cite your source OR provide a direct link to the website. Then, you will discuss what you were able to notice during your "observation time" without sight. Don't forget to address each of the other senses you were using. Were there any surprises? How was it trying to figure out what was going on without vision? What information did you pick up on that you may have ignored if you were using your eyes? Be sure to incorporate specific terms or concepts from the chapter into your discussion.

4. Have your views about blindness changed now that you have read about blindness and gone for a period of time without using your sight?


Activity B

1. Research information on the internet (remember to use valid/reliable websites) related to deafness.

2. Spend at least 30 minutes "observing" without using your ears -- rely on sight, smell, touch (if appropriate). This can be accomplished by purchasing some earplugs (if possible, look for the highest dB reduction you can find). During this time, try to do several different things (e.g., some students have attempted watching television, you can also try some of the activities used with Activity A).

3. In your discussion you will first summarize IN YOUR OWN WORDS some of the information you found in your research (perhaps focus on something interesting or surprising) - remember to cite your source OR provide a direct link to the website. Then, you will discuss what you were able to notice during your "observation time" without hearing. Don't forget to talk about each of the other senses you were using. Were there any surprises? How was it trying to figure out what was going on with minimal hearing? What information did you pick up on that you may have ignored if you were using your ears? Be sure to incorporate specific terms or concepts from the chapter into your discussion.

4. Have your views about deafness changed now that you have read about deafness and gone for a period of time with minimal hearing?

Attachment:- Discussion.rar

Verified Expert

The assignment needed us to write a 2.5-page discussion on chapter 5 of general psychology.There were 2 options to be chosen from, we have chosen option A for doing the assignment.The assignment is a discussion, so the title page and Table of contents are not required hence we have not created the same.

Reference no: EM132230444

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