How much did you know about career and technical writing

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Reference no: EM133345484

Question 1. How much did you know about career and technical writing? How much experience you have had? How confident did you feel about your career and tech writing skills?

Question 2. What previous courses, writing or not, helped you tackle some of the assignments, activities and exercises?

Question 3. What type of assignments, activities and exercises in the CS100W course came easier? Which were more challenging?

Question 4. What have you learned about your personal approaches to various types of writing?

Question 5. How did this course help you develop your writing process and practices further? ( think of various stages of the process - reading, analyzing, brainstorming, drafting, editing, proofreading, etc.?

Question 6. Which assignments/practices were MOST useful to you? in which way?

Question 7. Which assignments/practices were MOST challenging? in which way?

Question 8. What content/practices/exercises/assignments do you wish the course could include to help you meet the GELOs and CLOs more productively? 9this kind of qualitative feedback is most appreciated)

Question 9. Considering the hybrid mode of the class, one in person-one on zoom, which student-to-student, faculty-student, student-content interactions have you enjoyed? Which ones could be a useful addition in the future?

Question 10. Considering that a writing seminar such as the 100W course is a required upper-division GE course that is meant to prepare students for higher level writing in upper-division writing, what writing and language-related practices will you take with you into your future academic and professional work?

Reference no: EM133345484

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