How much consumer surplus decreased from the previous week

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM13233441

a restaurant has a pasta special.Mr.A likes the restaurant's pasta and his willingness to buy for each serving is shown below.
Quantity of Pasta(servings): Willingness to pay for pasta(per serving)
1: $10
2: 8
3 : 6
4 : 4
5 : 2
6 : 0

(A)if the price of a serving pasta is $4,how many servings will Mr.A buy? How much consumer surplus he receive?

(B)The following week,he come back and the price of a serving pasta is $6,How much consumer surplus decreased from the previous week?

(C)One week later,he goes again,the restaurant offers an all-you-can-eat special for $25,How much pasta will he eat ? and how much consumer surplus he receive now?

(D)Suppose you own the restaurant and Mr.A is a typical consumer.What is the highest price you can charge for the all-you-can-eat and still attract customers?

Reference no: EM13233441

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