How might the auditor have used the information

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM13886645

UTStarcom is a global leader in the manu- facture, integration, and support of networking and telecommuni- cations systems. The company sells broadband wireless products and a line of handset equipment to operators in emerging and established telecommunications markets worldwide. The following excerpt was obtained from the 2004 10-K of UTStarcom, Inc., which reported material weaknesses in the company's internal con- trols. In describing the company's remediation efforts, the company stated that "planned remediation measures are intended to address material weaknesses related to revenue and deferred revenue accounts and associated cost of sales." These material weaknesses were evidenced by the identification of six separate transactions aggregating approximately $5 million in which revenue was initially included in the Company's fourth-quarter 2004 financial statements before all criteria for revenue recognition were met. In addition, there were other transactions for which there was insufficient initial documentation for revenue recognition purposes, but which did not result in any adjustments to the Company's fourth-quarter 2004 financial statements. If unremediated, these material weaknesses have the potential of misstating revenue in future financial periods. The Company's planned remediation measures include the following:

? "The Company plans to design a contract review process in China requiring financial and legal staff to provide input during the contract negotiation process to ensure timely identification and accurate accounting treatment of nonstandard contracts."

? "In March 2005, the Company conducted a training seminar regarding revenue recognition, including identification of non- standard contracts, in the United States and, in April 2005, the Company conducted a similar seminar in China. Starting in May 2005, the Company plans to conduct additional training seminars in various international locations regarding revenue recognition and the identification of nonstandard contracts."

? "At the end of 2004, the Company began requiring centralized retention of documentation evidencing proof of delivery and final acceptance for revenue recognition purposes."
Based on this information, respond to the following questions.

a. Using the previous disclosures as a starting point, brainstorm about the challenges regarding internal controls that a company may face in doing business internationally.

b. The company had disclosed its planned remediation efforts for 2004. How might the auditor have used that information during the 2005 audit in terms of audit planning?

Reference no: EM13886645

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