How might stress affect a fetus during development

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131524778

Write answers (in complete sentences) to the questions about the video Stress: Portrait of a Killer.

1. The film-makers rely on comparison and contrast for much of this documentary's structure.

Discuss two different examples of comparison and contrast in this film

2. Fifty years go, stress was believed to create an "acid stomach" that caused ulcers. What have scientists learned about the link between ulcers and stress since then?

3. State in a sentence or two the main thesis of this documentary.

4. Name at least three health issues, besides ulcers, that have been positively correlated with stress today.

5. Discuss a specific example (an individual or a group) that the documentary profiles that supports the dangers of stress.

6. According to the film, how does our society contribute to the stress-filled lives that many of us live?

7. How might stress affect a fetus during development? What group did scientists study to confirm this?

8. What are the telomeres and what is telomerase?

9. What proof does the documentary offer that a society based on lower aggression and higher affiliative behavior has healthier members? (Hint: Think about the kikarak troop of baboons)

10. What does the film suggest to you about the importance of management of styles?

11. Write a paragraph in response to the documentary. What information did you find most interesting? What concerns did you have as you watched the film, or reflected on it afterwards? How might the film affect your decisions about your work environment or your life style?

For number 11, include a brief description of two or three ways you try to stay aware of your own stress level, and what you do to help reduce the stress you feel.

Reference no: EM131524778

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