How might someone from an atheist or pantheistic worldview

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Reference no: EM133621170

Discussion Post: Who Do You Say Jesus Is?

Address each question below with complete sentences and clear, specific explanations.

I. Select one teaching of Jesus from the following choices: Matthew 5:21-24; Matthew 5:43-48; Matthew 6:19-24; Matthew 7:15-23; Luke 15:1-32; John 13:1-17 and 34-35; or John 15:1-11. Answer the following questions with in-text citations from a commentary in the topic Resources.The commentary used should be included on a reference page at the end of this document.

1. What was Jesus's point in the teaching?

2. How might someone from an atheist or pantheistic worldview see the concepts of this passage differently?

3. What does this teaching reveal about Jesus?

II. Select one of the following passages in which Jesus makes statements about his nature and purpose: Matthew 9:1-8; Matthew 9:9-13; Luke 7:18-23; John 5:16-18; John 10:25-38; John 14:5-11. Answer the following with in-text citations from a commentary in the topic Resources.The commentary used should be included on a reference page at the end of this document.

1. What is Jesus saying about his nature and the purpose of his ministry? What is the significance of this claim?
Your answer in 250-300 words:

III. How would you personally answer Jesus'squestion, "But who do you say that I am?"(Mark 8:29). Describe your own beliefs about Jesus.

• According to the Bible and the Christian worldview, Jesus was fully God and fully human. Interacting with the readings, especially Philippians 2:5-11 and Hebrews 1:1-3, explain why this teaching of Jesus's full divinity and full humanity is important to Christianity.

Read the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) and answer the following questions:

• What do you believe is the main theme Jesus is communicating?
• Explain the three principal characters. Who do you identify with the most, and why?

Reference no: EM133621170

Questions Cloud

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