How might healthcare decision-making be impacted by beliefs

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133339031


1. Select one of the following faiths:

  • Hinduism, Buddhism, Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity, Protestantism [includes faiths such as Baptist, Methodist, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.], Judaism, Islam - the religion of Muslims
  • Describe the following factors associated with your selected religion by responding to the following questions:
  • Describe the following factors associated with your selected religion: Major core beliefs (Include the name of the Higher Power, the name of the Holy Book used, on what day is the Sabbath if any, special requirements for prayer, if applicable.)
  • Beliefs associated with interacting with the opposite gender, attire, etc.
  • Any dietary restrictions, periods of fasting
  • Any rituals/practices associated with special holidays/celebrations
  • Any rituals/practices associated with birth/death
  • Any biases/stereotypes, etc. that you have heard, seen, or read related to the religion and its followers. Please share your thoughts about what you have heard, seen, or read concerning the biases/stereotypes.

2. Based on the faith selected answer the following

1. How might health and healthcare decision-making be impacted by the beliefs, practices, etc. of your selected faith?

2. What changes might need to be considered related to employees who practice your selected faith (Examples: fairness in granting holidays, dress code, etc.?

3. How might any biases, stereotypes, etc. identified related to your selected group in Week 7 Forum 1 - Exploring Spirituality and Religion impact the delivery of quality healthcare, disparities, or the work environment?

4. How will you facilitate support of both spirituality and religious practices of the faith selected in Week 7 Forum 1 - Exploring Spirituality and Religion in patient care delivery.

Reference no: EM133339031

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