How might events have turned out differently

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Reference no: EM133577970

From 1942 to 1945, the Nazi empire oversaw the worst killing spree in history, in which the Jews of Europe were declared to be racial inferiors and targeted for annihilation. Overseen by the Waffen-SS, Hitler's Third Reich was able to murder six million Jews--about 1/3 the European total--as well as hundreds of thousands of Slavs, Poles, Czechs, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexual men, Gypsies/Roma, and whoever else the Nazi party declared unworthy of existence. The resulting slaughter is called in English the Holocaust), or in Hebrew Shoah.

Yad Vashem ( ??? ??????; "a memorial and a name") is the world Holocaust remembrance center in Jerusalem, dedicated to the millions of innocent lives lost and to those who may yet be saved from anti-Semitic and all forms of violent persecution. One need be neither a survivor nor a Jew to fully appreciate its transcendent moral appeal to all present and future humanity.


Please visit the museum virtually, Yad Vashem - The World Holocaust Remembrance Center select and identify two of its online exhibits, and answer the following in 2-3 strong paragraphs per question.

What individual persons do the exhibits focus on? What were their nationalities, occupations, aspirations, and other attributes, and how did they find themselves in harm's way?

What key decisions were taken that resulted in the fates of the persons described? How might events have turned out differently?

What moral lessons do you draw from what you have seen and experienced? In what way(s) are your own philosophical or theological commitments refined or challenged?

Reference no: EM133577970

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