How might different ethical philosophies influence

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132341861

Part 1

(Minimum 600 words): Answer the following questions in a scholarly post of 600 words or more: What is the most interesting thing that you are taking away from this course as it relates to International Business Management?

Part 2

You will present a final report to the Executives and Board of Directors for your organization. Write a minimum 15-page report

Organization: Bechtel Corporation

Country: South Africa

Use the following breakdown as a model for the paper:

· Background information on the organization you researched.

· Background information on the country you researched:

- Include information from the CIA

- What is the interest in entering the given country?

- How much potential does the country offer?

- How does this country compare to other locations?

- How might different ethical philosophies influence how managers make decisions when it comes to off-shoring jobs in this country?

STEEP Analysis of your country

· Based on Geert Hofstedes research, identify the Power Distance of your country against the Power Distance of the United States. Present your countries Power Distance Score as well as an explanation of your findings.

· Identify your country's Uncertainty Avoidance against the United States and explain the importance of this score.

· What is your country's long-term orientation compared to the United States. Present your country's score and explain your findings.

· Related to Cultural Communication, how would you define the context of your country's culture [High-Context or Low-Context]

· Considering the work you did in Task 3, present the different entry strategies and organizational arrangements that would make the most sense for your organization in your target country.

· Political Environment: Identify and describe the types of political risks that your organization might face in tour target country.

· What risk management strategies might your organization employ in the country in which you plan to expand?

· What methodology would your organization use to motivate employees in other countries? How might the culture in which you plan to expand perceive the differences between managerial and leadership duties?

Using PowerPoint, please provide presentation overview of your findings as presented in Task 5. Please note that you will be graded on creativity as well we content. Please also note that cover and reference slides are not included in the 10 to 20 slide count.

Reference no: EM132341861

Questions Cloud

Can use ict to reduce your carbon footprint : Discuss 3 ways in which you (or your organisation), can use ICT to reduce your carbon footprint, and contribute to Green ICT.
Prepared for disasters and to recover using its own resource : While society expects a business to be prepared for disasters and to recover using its own resources, we do not seem to expect individuals to be prepared
Discuss the various stages of data analytics lifecycle : Discuss the various stages of Data Analytics Lifecycle. Which of the stages is more important to you and why?
Performance of the security system : Performance of the security system. What things are part of the system? What things are NOT part of the system?
How might different ethical philosophies influence : How might different ethical philosophies influence how managers make decisions when it comes to off-shoring jobs in this country?
Describes step-by-step process of change for reorganization : You will be presenting your change design to the department heads of Pegasus. Describes a step-by-step process of change for the reorganization.
Upside of making all the table have a surrogate key : What are the upside of making all the table have a surrogate key? Or do you think that policy is too rigid? Can you illustrate with an example?
What did you learn from your classmate posting : What did you learn from your classmate's posting? What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?
It assets are disposed of properly : What actions might an organization take to ensure that its outdated IT assets are disposed of properly?


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