How might complaints actually strengthen the relationship

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Reference no: EM131311126

Here is a project which requires reading the instruction first, understanding the instruction and using the RUBRIC to do the assignment. It is strongly advised to read and understand the instruction and also use the rubric below to do the assignment.PLEASE DO NOT PLAGRIZED, the professor uses turnitin to scan the documents.

I want in text citation, good APA format, good and quality references, use APA format for the citation and references. Also please again follow the instruction and the rubric.

Assignment  - The Value of Complaints (30% of the final grade)
Papers should be four pages in length, double-spaced. 6 Pages IN WHOLE, plus the title page and references page will make it 6 pages. Use headers to separate major themes or topics. Respond fully. Give examples when appropriate. Be sure to provide your own perspective on each of the questions.

Read the following white paper entitled, "The Customer Complaints X-Ray."

Conventional wisdom suggests that 91% of people don't complain. They prefer to obtain their revenge by not buying from a company that has provided an inferior product or service. They simply go quietly into the night, never to be heard from again. They have a passive power and they know it.

Respond fully to each of the questions below:

1. As a CRM representative how do you convey the value of customer complaints to your organization? Some firms believe that complaints reflect negatively on the employee, the manager or the company and therefore may discourage staff from recording or being open to complaints?

2. How might complaints actually strengthen the relationship between the customer and the organization?

3. Share a personal experience that you have had regarding a complaint. Was it positive or negative? How would you have handled it differently if you were the customer service representative?

Please follow the guidelines in this syllabus for written assignments. This project is worth 10 percent of your final grade. Points will be awarded as follows:

1. Degree to which you explain and discuss the process of changing the corporate culture as it relates to complaints.

2. Discussion of how complaints might strengthen the relationship between the organization and the customer .

3. Discussion of your personal experience with a complaint .

The Value of Complants Thoroughly discusses ways that the value of customer complaints may be communicated to employees within the organization. Discussion of the ways that the value of customer complaints may be communicated to employees within the organization is not well developed, not in sufficient depth or detail. Limited discussion of the ways that the value of customer complaints may be communicated to employees within the organization. Does not discuss the value of customer complaints or how they may be communicated within the organization.

Complaints Are Not Always a Bad Thing Provides a thoughtful and innovative discussion of how firms may encourage staff to record and/or be open to complaints. Discussion of how firms may encourage staff to record and/or be open to complaints is not well developed and not complete. Provides a limited and cursory discussion of how firms may encourage staff to record and/or be open to complaints. Does not discuss ways the organization can encourage staff to record and/or be open to complaints.

Complaints May Actually Strengthen the Relationship Provides an in-depth discussion of how complaints might strengthen the relationship between the customer and the organization. Discussion of how complaints might strengthen the relationship between the customer and the organization lacks depth and detail. Provides a cursory and limited discussion of how complaints might strengthen the relationship between the customer and the organization. Does not discuss how complaints might strengthen the relationship between the customer and the organization.

Reference no: EM131311126

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