How may this knowledge affect your job role

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Reference no: EM133580348

Assessment 1 - Provide individualised support

Part A - Questions

Question 1: Why is it important to know and comply with the boundaries of your work role and responsibilities?

Question 2: Give two (2) examples of factors that may affect people requiring support.

Question 3:

a) Explain mandatory reporting.
b) How may this knowledge affect your job role?

Question 4: What steps can you take to support a person who believes they have been discriminated against?

Question 5: When providing support to someone, in what circumstances can information about their plan be communicated to carers and family?

Question 6: How can you ensure you meet your duty of care while supporting people who wish to take risks?

Question 7: What role can individual workers take when supporting a person to maintain a safe and healthy environment? Give two (2) examples.

Question 8: Give two (2) examples of ways that you can communicate with other workers.

Question 9: List two (2) strategies you can use to monitor your own work to ensure the required standard of support is maintained for the client.

Question 10: Name two (2) ways you can involve the person in discussions about how support services are meeting their needs.

Question 11: What are two (2) methods you can use to communicate the need for a plan review, with your supervisor?

Question 12: How are legal and ethical requirements applied to privacy, confidentiality and disclosure? Give an example of each.

Question 13: Why is it important to follow the organisation's documentation and reporting processes?

Question 14: In what ways can you respond to identified risks? Give two (2) examples.

Question 15: What are two (2) signs of an unmet need?

Part B - Case study questions

Read the case study, then answer the questions that follow.

Case study (questions 1-7)
Mrs Halah is 58 years old and lives alone in a small unit. She has smoked for 35 years and has been diagnosed with advanced emphysema. She has tubes providing oxygen directly through her nostrils, at all times, and has an oxygen tank on a trolley if she needs to move more than a couple of metres. Mrs Halah cannot walk more than 10-12 steps without getting breathless, and has difficulty with tasks of daily living, such as washing or dressing, without assistance. She is overweight and this is contributing to her problems. However, she enjoys her sweet biscuits and understands the risk of putting on more weight.
Mrs Halah has been told she cannot attend a planned activity group in her local area because the staff running the group feel that, as she does not speak a lot of English, she will not be able to join in.
Support workers from the Commonwealth Home Support Programme assist Mrs Halah every morning to get up, washed and dressed, and to get ready for bed each night. They also prepare some of her meals. She has meals delivered five days a week and home help for cleaning, laundry and shopping. She spends most days sitting in a chair watching television.
Even though it is not written on her individualised plan, the support workers also like to help Mrs Halah out by walking her dog once a week.
The support workers keep a copy of her individualised support plan on the fridge, so that it can be easily accessed. They write into the plan each day about what they have done, as part of their reporting requirements.
A new support worker, Joy, who commences working with Mrs Halah is upset that she is allowed to continue eating sweet biscuits for morning tea, given that she is overweight. Joy feels she has a duty of care to her client, and acting in her best interests, refuses to allow her to have the biscuits, replacing them with a cut up apple every morning instead.
Mrs Halah tells Joy that life is not worth living anymore. She has been saving up some of the sleeping pills her doctor has given her and plans to take them. She asks Joy not to tell anyone about this.

CS Question 1
Identify which of Mrs Halah's human rights are not being respectedand explain why this goes against the legal requirements of the organisation.

CS Question 2
a) What example of discrimination can you identify?
b) Is this organisation following its legal requirements in this example?

CS Question 3
What are Joy's responsibilities regarding keeping the information Mrs Halah has told her about the sleeping tablets confidential, given that Mrs Halah has asked her not to tell anyone?

CS Question 4
What policy would the organisation be likely to have about storing the individualised plan and writing daily file notes?
Do you think this is being complied with?

CS Question 5
a) What do you think about Joy's approach to her duty of care in withholding the sweet biscuits?
b) What is the term used to describe Mrs Halah's right to choose in this situation?

CS Question 6
Does mandatory reporting apply to any of the situations described in the case study? Explain your response.

CS Question 7
a) What work role boundaries have been crossed by the support workers?
b) What could be the consequences for working outside of their limitations?

Read the case study then answer the questions that follow.
Case study (questions 8-22)
Stanley is 57 years old and has motor neurone disease (MND). Stanley uses a wheelchair and has limited mobility and speech. A case manager has prepared an individualised plan for him. You are meeting with Stanley to introduce yourself and confirm the broad details of the individualised plan.
The meeting is taking place in his home. Stanley lives with his wife, Mavis. Prior to visiting Stanley you take the time to read his file and the individualised plan that was prepared by Stanley's case manager. When you arrive, Mavis opens the door and guides you to where Stanley is waiting for you in the living room. Mavis does most of the talkingand discusses Stanley's MND in quite a lot of detail. Stanley seems withdrawn and says very little.
You spend some time introducing yourself, sharing some of your professional background and listening to Mavis speak, and trying to ask Stanley some questions about himself too. You try and establish rapport with Stanley and Mavis. Stanley and Mavis' home is quite busy and cluttered, and sometimes when Stanley wants to reach an item or complete a task, he is unable to get very close to the bench or table and has to lean out of his wheelchair. The support worker suggests that an aid could be useful to help him reach across to objects.
You ask Stanley if he would like to review the draft individualised plan that was prepared with his case manager. Stanley agrees and, together with Mavis, you and Stanley review the plan. You ensure that you have brought two (2) copies of the plan so that Stanley and Mavis each have a copy. The draft plan includes the goals that Stanley developed with his case manager, but the support activities have not been confirmed. Many of the activities focus on supporting Stanley to maintain as much independence as possible and to remain living at home with Mavis.
You allow Mavis and Stanley plenty of time to review the draft plan. Before moving on to prioritising support activities, you ask Stanley if there is anything else he would like included in his plan. Stanley has a complaint about how some of the support workers don't give him enough time to do things himself and tend to ‘hurry him along'. He seems angry about this, and you note it down so that you can let your supervisor know later. Stanley also says he wants to attend the local self-advocacy organisation but has not caught public transport for over twenty years. Stanley has some cognitive difficulties associated with his MND, but he is very methodical and loves using maps and illustrations to help him with some of his tasks in everyday life.
After extensive discussion, it is agreed that the goals of Stanley's individualised plan should be for:
• Stanley to continue to be supported to live at home, and be assisted to maintain his independence
• Stanley to attend the weekly self-advocacy group.
Together, you work on prioritising the support activities that will assist Stanley to meet these goals. As Stanley has been receiving services from your organisation for some time, a number of services are already in place and just require monitoring. Stanley is accessing daily personal care to help him to get up in the morning and assist him to shower, groom and dress, and then again at night to help him get to bed. Mavis helps Stanley with all his meals and other daily tasks.
Stanley's new goal is to attend his local self-advocacy group. Together you talk about the location of the group and Stanley's transport needs. Stanley is keen to catch the train to the group, as he says he never gets to do anything or go anywhere independently anymore. Stanley also says if he learns to catch the train that maybe he will be able to go other places independently too.

CS Question 8
a) What role and responsibilities is Stanley given to support the planning process?
b) Why is this important?

CS Question 9
What roles and responsibilities has Mavis been given?

CS Question 10
What is the responsibility of the supervisor in managing the complaint that Stanley has?

CS Question 11
What roles could a general practitioner and an occupational therapist play in supporting Stanley to meet his needs?

CS Question 12
Explain how the active service model would be used in Stanley's support.

CS Question 13
Give an example of how a person-centred approach has been used to support Stanley so far in the case study.

CS Question 14
Given what you know about him, give an example of how a strengths-based approach could be used to support Stanley in one of his future goals of catching public transport.

CS Question 15
How does the support worker encourage Stanley to take an active role in his own support needs? Give one example of this.

CS Question 16
Why is so much work put into the planning phase of Stanley's support, rather than just allowing the workers to get on with meeting his needs of showering and other everyday activities?

CS Question 17
What monitoring and review processes might take place in future, in relation to Stanley's plan?

CS Question 18
a) If Stanley seems to show signs of depression in the future, is this a problem that the support worker should be able to manage alone?
b) Who else might be able to assist Stanley with depression?

CS Question 19
Stanley will need to learn some new skills in order to catch public transport to his self-advocacy group, such as buying a ticket. Outline how each of the following skill development processes would be used to teach and maintain this skill:
a) Task analysis
b) Shaping
c) Reinforcement

CS Question 20
If Stanley was to start using an aid to help him with reaching objects, what should you check or be aware of before assembling this equipment? Give two (2) examples.

CS Question 21
What are three things can you do to create a clean and comfortable environment for Stanley, with the support of Mavis?

CS Question 22
Identify three (3) risks that could occur while following the individualised plan. For each example, explain briefly how you might manage each of these risks.

Assessment 2 - Support independence and wellbeing

Part A - Questions

Question 1 What is an example of a service delivery model?

Question 2 Give two (2) examples of service standards that support the service delivery models.

Question 3 Define ‘consumer directed care (funding model)'.

Question 4 a) Define ‘myths' and ‘stereotypes'
b) Explain why it is important to understand their impact on service delivery.

Question 5 When providing care to client, why is it important to understand their current life stage?

Question 6 How can you ensure a person's physical needs are met? Give two (2) examples.

Question 7 How can you ensure a person's psychological needs are met? Give two (2) examples.
(emotional or mental needs)

Question 8 How can you ensure a person's spiritual needs are met? Give two (2) examples.

Question 9 How can you ensure a person's cultural needs are met? Give two (2) examples.

Question 10 Why is it important to understand how your own values and attitudes impact on others?

Question 11 What is meant by self-actualisation?

Question 12 Give two (2) examples of issues surrounding sexual needs.

Question 13 How might individual differences impact on support being provided?

Question 14 Give two (2) examples of when you should report changes in a person's physicalcondition.

Question 15 Give two (2) examples of how you can support a person's physical wellbeing.

Question 16 Give two (2) examples of how you can support a person's psychological wellbeing.
(emotional and mental)

Question 17 Give two (2) examples of how you can support a person's social wellbeing.

Question 18 Give two (2) examples of how you can support a person's spiritual wellbeing.

Question 19 Give two (2) examples of how you can support a person's cultural wellbeing.

Question 20 Give two (2) examples of how you can support a person's financial wellbeing.

Question 21 How is a person's wellbeing enhanced through involvement in a career or occupation?

Question 22 Give two (2) examples of basic requirements that enhance a person's mental health.

Question 23 Give two (2) examples of basic nutrition and hydration requirements that enhance a person's health.

Question 24 Give two (2) examples of exercise requirements that enhance a person's health.

Question 25 What are two (2) hygiene issues that can affect a person's health and wellbeing?

Question 26 Give two (2) examples of how a person's lifestyle can improve their wellbeing.

Question 27 Give two (2) examples of how a person's oral health can affect a person's overall wellbeing.

Question 28 Why is it important to focus on the person's health and wellbeing?

Question 29 What actions should you take when you identify variations to a person's wellbeing?

Question 30 Give two (2) examples of indicators of emotional issues that may impact a person's wellbeing.

Question 31 What is one way a person's mental health can impact on a healthy lifestyle?

Question 32 Give two (2) examples of physical abuse and how they can pose a risk to a person's wellbeing.

Question 33 Give two (2) examples of sexual abuse and how they can pose a risk to a person's wellbeing.

Question 34 Give two (2) examples of psychological abuse and how they can pose a risk to a person's wellbeing.

Question 35: Give two (2) examples of financial abuse and how these can pose a risk to a person's wellbeing.

Question 36: Explain the process for reporting suspected abuse situations.

Question 37: What are two (2) strategies you can use to support the person to identify their own strengths and self-care capacity?

Question 38: What is meant by duty of care?

Question 39: What is meant by dignity of risk?

Question 40: Give two (2) examples of human rights.

Question 41: What is meant by discrimination? Give an example in care situation.

Question 42: What should you do if something is outside your scope of knowledge, skills or work role?

Question 43: Give one example of when mandatory/compulsory reporting is required.

Question 44: How does the use of safe and predictable routines contribute to a person's sense of security?

Part B - Case study questions
Read the case study, then answer the questions that follow.

Case study (questions 1-8)
Peter is 74 and has Parkinson's disease. He resides in his own home in the community. When the support worker arrives, she finds that Peter has left all his washing in the basket in the laundry. When the worker asks Peter why he hasn't hung out the washing, he tells her that he can't lift the sheets and towels onto the clothes line because they are too heavy.

CS Question 1
What are the possible reasons for why Peter is unable to lift the sheets and towels?

CS Question 2
a) How could the worker promote and encourage Peter to hang out his washing?
b) What approach to support would the worker use and how does this contribute to a healthy lifestyle?

CS Question 3
How would supporting Peter to hang out his washing promote self-esteem and confidence?

CS Question 4
How could the worker communicate this to Peter in a supportive way?

CS Question 5
What is limiting Peter's abilities?

CS Question 6

What process would you use to report Peter's difficulty in hanging out sheets and towels?CS Question 7What issues could be impacting on Peter's health and wellbeing and why?CS Question 8What support strategies or resources need to be implemented to ensure Peter can remain living as independently as possible?Read the case study, then answer the questions that follow.

Case study (questions 9-12)
Juno is 32 and lives in a unit in the community. She shares the rental property with a male friend, Sean. Juno is becoming very frail, has Fragile X Syndrome (a genetic disorder that results in a range of developmental, physical and behavioural problems) and experiences episodes of schizophrenia if she doesn't maintain her medication routine. The support worker attends in the mornings to support her to get out of bed and shower and dress each day, as well as to ensure she has taken her medication. The worker has recently noticed that Juno is rapidly losing weight.
The worker also notices a pattern of Juno not having food in the unit and that she seems to become very teary whenever the worker asks her what meals she has had or asks when Juno intends to shop for groceries. Sean often sits quietly in the lounge and Juno glances in his direction whenever the worker raises the issue of not enough food. Juno eventually states that she has no money to buy food, even though her pension went into her bank account that morning.
CS Question 9
What is affecting Juno's health?
CS Question 10
a) Are there any risks or protective factors that may be impacting on Juno's mental health?
b) If yes, what are they? If not, why not?
CS Question 11
a) Are there any indicators of abuse?
b) If yes, what are they? If not, why not?
CS Question 12
What process does the worker need to follow in cases of suspected or actual cases of abuse?
Read the case study, then answer the questions that follow.

Case study (questions 13-16)
Fatima provides support to people with care needs who live in the community. Aziz is one of the people she supports. Fatima usually helps Aziz do his grocery shopping, pay his bills and participate in various community activities of his choosing. Fatima has noticed that Aziz has developed sores on his face and arms and is constantly picking at his skin. His pupils are enlarged and he paces around the house the whole time she is there. The worker is aware that the signs she is seeing are the same as the ads on TV related to people who use drugs such as ice.

CS Question 13
What should Fatima do in the first instance?

CS Question 14
How can Fatima support Aziz?

CS Question 15
How could Aziz's wellbeing be affected?

CS Question 16
What reporting processes does Fatima need to consider?

Reference no: EM133580348

Questions Cloud

What would be your next step as a nurse : How will you communicate with Mrs. Smith? What would be your next step as a nurse?
How do you include patients in their own decision making : How do you include patient's in their own decision making? What happens if decisions are made by the patients that do not match best practices?
Role of testesterone in the male reproductive system : Describe what role estrogen has on the changes that occur during female puberty. Explain the role of testesterone in the male reproductive system.
How would you administer oral liquid medication to an infant : How would you administer oral liquid medication to an infant? Toddler? Describe modifications used when giving a pre-school child an injection.
How may this knowledge affect your job role : CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing - How can you ensure you meet your duty of care while supporting people who wish to take risks?
Which one of the aspects of the speech most appealed to you : During the birthday celebration, your coworker delivered a speech. Which one of the aspects of the speech most appealed to you?
What practices might help you to remember the inherent value : What principles or practices might help you to remember the inherent value and dignity of all persons?
What are some key consequences of an employer discriminating : What are some key consequences of an employer discriminating and not having an inclusive and diverse employee population? -Support with textbook evidence
What vitamins are critical for this : Nutrition is very important in preventing cognitive decline and maintaining neural health. What vitamins are critical for this?


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