How marketers market have different needs and motivations

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131488851

Discussion: Consumer Behavior

Read the following case study:

The Chang family is an Asian-American family who lives in a small U.S. city. The family consists of Mrs. Chang, Mr. Chang, and two children-a boy and a girl-both who are in high school and both plan to attend college. Mrs. Chang is a marketing manager at the local savings bank. Her parents live in a retirement community 1,500 miles away, and she has no other relatives. Her husband has only one family member-his father-who is in a nursing home a few blocks away and is in the final stages of Alzheimer's disease. Mr. Chang is an MBA and certified CPA who works as an independent accountant from his home office. The family is moderately wealthy and has few financial worries. Mrs. Chang reads fictional mysteries in her spare time and enjoys Hollywood gossip. Mr. Chang reads industry-related journals. Both children play sports, love television-especially MTV-like music, and are just beginning to date. Discuss the various reference groups impacting this family.

o List and describe at least five different reference groups that influence the purchasing behavior of different members of this family.

o Explain how marketers market to various consumers who have different needs, motivations, and reference groups.

• Explain which of the reference groups you believe is most important to this family and describe how a firm could best market its products and services to this family. Use specific examples to support your response.

Reference no: EM131488851

Questions Cloud

Briefly introduce and summarize the given article : Briefly introduce and summarize the article. Do the author's arguments support his or her main point? What evidence supports the main point?
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Compare and contrast the mis in place in two organization : Appraise the individual and organizational consequences of the use of information technology and recognize potential security breaches and computer crimes.
How marketers market have different needs and motivations : Discussion: Consumer Behavior- Explain how marketers market to various consumers who have different needs, motivations, and reference groups.
Digital media as a means to influence individuals : Digital media has changed the ways ideas, information, and arguments in society are communicated both locally and globally.
What is the effective annual rate of interest to jvc : (Cost of factoring) A factor has agreed to lend the JVC Corporation working capital on the following terms: JVC's receivables average $100,000 per month.
Strategic growth needs of clients business : What are the strategic growth needs of your clients' business?
Define the identified critical step of research in your word : Identify the most important step in the student's guide to research that you would need in order to analyze bullying.


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