How many trades were placed in july by customer john alan

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132362341

In this assignment, we are building a data warehouse for an online brokerage company. The company makes money by charging commissions when customers buy and sell stocks. We are planning to have a Trades fact table with the grain of one row per stock trade. We will use the following dimensions: Date, Customer, Account, Security (i.e. which stock was traded), and TradeType.

The company's data analysts have told us that they have developed two customer scoring techniques that are used extensively in their analyses.

• Each customer is placed into one of nine Customer Activity Segments based on their frequency of transactions, average transaction size, and regency of transactions.

• Each customer is assigned a Customer Profitability Score based on the profit earned as a result of that customer's trades. The score can be either 1,2,3,4 or 5, with 5 being the most profitable.

These two scores are frequently used as filters or grouping attributes in queries. For example:

• How many trades were placed in July by customers in each customer activity segment?

• What was the total commission earned in each quarter of 2003 on trades of IBM stock by customers with a profitability score of 4 or 5?

There is a total of 100,000 customers, and scores are recalculated every three months. The activity level or profitability level of some customers' changes over time, and users are very interested in understanding how and why this occurs.

Task 1: Data Warehouse Design

Design a data warehouse for the above mention scenario. Implement your data warehouse with SQL Developer.

Prepare a report of your data warehouse design and demonstrate your design to your tutor.

Task 2: OLAP Queries

Based on your design, write down the queries for the following problem:
• How many trades were placed in July by customer "John Alan"?
• What was the total commission earned in each quarter of 2003 on trades of IBM stock by customers with a profitability score of 4 or 5?

Reference no: EM132362341

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8/28/2019 2:12:34 AM

This assignment 1 is worth 20% of the total assessment of this unit and is due by Fridayweek 75 PM.This section is intended for submission instructions in learning systems. Grading Report Section Max. points Theoretical discussion and data warehouse design 10% OLAP Queries 10% Total 20%

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