How many subjects have missing values for medloinc

Assignment Help Advanced Statistics
Reference no: EM13951019

Whats the independent variable in the following sentence

In a drug prevention program for boys and girls, will family-participation result in effective drug use reduction?

This exercise utilizes the data set schools.sav

1. You are interested in investigating if being above or below the median income (medloinc) impacts ACT means (act94) for schools. Complete the necessary steps to examine univariate grouped data in order to respond to the questions below.

a. How many subjects have missing values for medloinc and act94?

b. Is there a severe split in frequencies between groups?

c. What are the cutoff values for outliers in each group?

d. Which outlying cases should be deleted for each group?

e. Analyzing histograms, normal Q-Q plots, and tests of normality, what is your conclusion regarding normality? If transformation is necessary, which one would you use?

f. Do the results from Levene's Test of Equal Variances indicate homogeneity of variance? Explain.

2. Examination of the variable of scienc93 indicates a substantial to severe positively skewed distribution. Transform this variable using the two most appropriate methods. After examining the distributions for these transformed variables, which produced the best alteration?

3. You are interested in studying predictors (math94me, loinc93, and read94me) of the % graduating in 1994 (grad94).

a. Examine univariate normality for each variable. What are your conclusions about the distributions? What transformations should be conducted?

b. After making the necessary transformations, examine multivariate outliers using Mahalanobis' distance. What cases should be deleted?

c. After deleting the multivariate outliers, examine multivariate normality and linearity by creating a Scatterplot Matrix.

d. Examine the variables for homoscedasticity by creating a residuals plot (standardized vs. predicted values). What are your conclusions about homoscedasticity?

Reference no: EM13951019

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