How many staff members directly report to your preceptor

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133527121

Question 1.After reviewing the Guidelines for Field Experience with your preferred preceptor, what arrangements have you made so far for this practicum experience?

Question 2.The practicum site must be of a nature and type that is approved for field experience hours and must relate to at least one (or more) of the core areas/competencies of your program of study. Please describe how this site complies, the services it provides, and the population(s) it impacts. See the Guidelines for Field Experiences for the core areas/competencies for each program

Question 3.describe the proposed project(s), activities, and/or tasks that you have discussed with your preferred preceptor to be completed during the practicum. Note that shadowing and/or observation of the preceptor does not meet competencies

Question 4. please answer the following questions regarding your preceptor:

1. How many staff members directly report to your preceptor at the site location?

2. In what capacity does the preceptor oversee rules, regulations or polices at the site?

3. What budgetary responsibility does the preceptor have at the site?


Reference no: EM133527121

Questions Cloud

Ten classic studies learning aid : First, choose a classic study from the Ten Classic Studies Learning Aid located in your Reading and Resources.
How will your care of these two victims be influenced : How will your care of these two victims be influenced related to these recommendations? Who would you treat first and why?
What you read and think about ways to decrease costs : Do you think their point of view is similar to what you read and think about ways to decrease costs while increasing quality?
How do children respond during transitional periods : How is one child's play different from another child's play during the same scheduled activity? How do children respond during transitional periods?
How many staff members directly report to your preceptor : describe how this site complies, the services it provides, and the population(s) it impacts. See the Guidelines for Field Experiences for the core areas
Does that support its business interests : does doing well among the Six Pillars actually influence buyer behavior toward the brand or organization, and in turn, does that support its business interests
Define leadership : Define 'leadership'. Discuss the THREE main leadership styles according to Kurt Lewin's (1939) theory of leadership?
List ways in which contemporary presidential campaigns used : List the ways in which contemporary presidential campaigns have used social media as a campaign tool. Do you consider social media as a successful tool?
Which fixed mindset hindered you from exceling : A personal experience in which Growth Mindset helped you excel and why and A personal experience in which Fixed Mindset hindered you from exceling and why


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