How many people would be included in the focus group

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Reference no: EM133370561

Marketing and Sales Assignment


Market Research

1. Let's say you have developed a new, all natural granola style cereal. You want to see the reaction of a range of people to the product, so you decide to
set up focus groups to sample the cereal. In one to two pages (single spaced), describe how you would carry out a focus group review of the cereal.

a. How many people would be included in the focus group?

b. How would they be selected?

c. How would the taste test be carried out? Design a smart taste test - e.g., have attendees sample a total of three cereals, only one of which is your own brand.

d. What questions would you ask of the focus group members after they have sampled the cereal?

e. How would you use the information you gathered through the focus group exercise to guide you in moving the product forward (or killing the product, if appropriate)?

2. Let's say you work in an airline that wants to determine how satisfied flyers are with the airline's overall service. You decide to obtain feedback on passenger satisfaction by distributing a 5-8 question questionnaire to passengers.

a. Design the questionnaire. It should fit on one page. Provide a short rationale for the study, brief instructions, and 5-8 questions. Your questionnaire should look very close to the questionnaire that would actually be distributed.

b. Who would you target to respond to the questionnaire?

c. How would you distribute and collect the filled out questionnaire?

d. What kind of information would you derive from the distributed questionnaire?

e. How could you use the information?

Distribution Channels

3. To understand marketing, a good first step is to master your insight into the Four Ps of marketing: Product, Pricing, Promotion, and Place (i.e., distribution).

Everyone knows the importance of having a well-defined product, appropriate pricing, and a good sales campaign. Perhaps the least appreciated of the Four Ps is place. Because it addresses the issue of distribution channels, you might even wonder why it is considered a marketing issue rather than an operations issue.

As a thought exercise, provide a compelling argument that holds that place is the most important of the Four Ps. Be thorough in your discussion. Illustrate it with examples from a variety of businesses and scenarios. By the end of your discussion, you should be able to convince readers that place is indeed super important in marketing.

Target length of the assignment: 3 pages

Market Segmentation

4. Assume you are the Director of Design for a cell phone manufacturing company. You work closely with the New Product Development Department. You are in the earliest stages of determining what your next cell phone product line should look like. Clearly, in designing the new phone, you need to know who the target customers will be. There are a range of potential customers: young vs. old, affluent vs. modest income, heavy users vs. light users, technology lovers vs. technophobes, etc. It doesn't make sense to begin designing the new cell phone until you have identified what market segment you wish to address.

For this assignment:

a. Identify different important market segments that you need to consider.

b. Which of these segments can be treated as "mainstream" segments and which as "niche" segments?

C. Create a template form that shows the different categories of customer traits that will help you to define different market segments.

d. Select one market segment, and describe in one or two paragraphs what features the cell phone might have in order to be attractive to this segment.

Target length of the assignment: 4 pages

Marketing Plan

5. You work in a company that offers management training. Your market research effort indicates that in your community (you live in New York City), there is hot demand for courses on project management. A number of competitors are offering such courses, and all appear to be doing well.

Your market research effort entailed reviewing the course offerings of competitors, interviewing the training directors at fifteen companies, and conducting a survey of students who have taken at least one of your courses during the past two years. Based on this market research effort, you decide to develop a suite of four courses, each of which lasts two days. They are:

Project management fundamentals
• Project planning and control
• Project finance and budgeting
• Project risk and quality management

We have just discussed the product above. Now, put together a very short marketing plan that addresses pricing, promotion, and place (i.e., distribution). For each of these items, discuss what needs to be taken into account in order to deal with them effectively (e.g., what do we need to think about when pricing our courses?). Then briefly describe how the item will be handled (e.g., what steps can be taken to promote the courses?).

In putting together your micro-marketing plan, be practical. This micro plan is a first step in getting a handle on your marketing strategy. Ultimately, your company will develop a full scale marketing plan - but that will occur later.

Target length of this assignment: 4 pages


The societal marketing concept seeks to establish a balance between consumer short-run wants and consumer

Question 1

Select one:
• a. value propositions
• b. short-run costs and profits

• c. long-run welfare
• d. immediate health

• e. short-run ethics

Question 2

is defined as a social and managerial process by which individuals and organizations obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging value with others.

Select one:
• a. Marketing • b. Advertising • c. Negotiating • d. Bartering • e. Selling

Question 3

The final step in the marketing process is Select one:
• a. capturing value from customers • b. creating customer lifetime value
• c. designing a customer-driven marketing strategy • d. understanding the marketplace
• e. creating customer loyalty

Question 4 are human needs as shaped by individual personality and culture.

Select one:
• a. Values
• b. Deprivations • c. Demands
• d. Exchanges • e. Wants

Question 5 You are an assistant marketing director for a firm in a market with many low-margin customers. What type of relationship would it be most profitable for you to develop with these customers?

Select one:
• a. selective relationships • b. basic relationships
• c. community relationships • d. full partnerships
• e. club programs

Question 6

Frequent flyer programs offered by airlines are an example of a Select one:
• a. consumer-generated marketing program • b. basic customer relationship
• c. frequency marketing program
0 d. club marketing program
• e. structural benefit provided for top customers

Question 7

The organizational system's main advantage is that the company is organized around the needs of specific market segments. Select one:
• a. geographic management • b. product management
• c. functional management
• d. vertical management • e. market management

Question 8

The first step in strategic planning is to Select one:
• a. develop the business portfolio • b. identify a problem
• c. plan marketing strategies
• d. define the company mission • e. set objectives and goals

Question 9

To be successful at marketing, companies must effectively turn marketing planning into Select one:
• a. marketing audits • b. marketing analysis
• c. marketing implementation • d. marketing control
• e. marketing budgeting

Question 10
Which of the following best describes a company's business portfolio?

Select one:
• a. the company's sources of revenue and the investments it makes in a particular year • b. the various industries in which the company operates business ventures
• c. the company's products or services in a particular market category
• d. the collection of businesses and products that make up the company
• e. the company's strengths in terms of technology, people, products, advertising, etc.

Question 11

entails reducing the business portfolio by eliminating products that no longer fit the company's overall strategy. Select one:
• a. Downsizing
• b. Market segmentation • c. Market redesign
G d. BCG
• e. Product line extension

Question 12
Favorite Memories specializes in serving market segments that major competitors overlook and ignore. Which of the following best describes Favorite Memories?

Select one:
• a. marketer challenger • b. market seeker
• c. market nicher
0 d. market follower
• e. full market coverer

Question 13
Percy Original caters to a market of individuals and households that buy goods and services for personal consumption. What type of market does Percy Original cater to?

Select one:
• a. government • b. business
• c. marketing intermediary • d. consumer
• e. reseller

Question 14
Marketers should be aware of laws, government agencies, and pressure groups that influence or limit various organizations and individuals in a given society. This is the environment.

Select one:
• a. economic • b. cultural
• c. socio-legal • d. political
• e. legal-technological

Question 15
Which type of organization helps companies to stock and move goods from their points of origin to their destination? Select one:
• a. supplier
• b. financial intermediary
0 c. marketing service firm • d. physical distribution firm • e. reseller

Question 16 A society's core beliefs and values have a high degree of Select one:
• a. similarity • b. persistence • c. conformity • d. simplicity
• e. ethnocentrism

Question 17 A company or association's is designed to help guide responses to complex social responsibility issues. Select one:
• a. cause-related marketing • b. privacy policy
• c. discretion in enforcing regulations • d. core value system
• e. code of ethics

Question 18

An increasing number of American workers work out of their homes with technological conveniences such as PCs, high-speed Internet access, and fax machines. These workers are referred to as the market.

Select one:
• a. Gen X
• b. micropolitan
• c. Millennial G d. SOHO
• e. LOHAS

Question 19

LandPort Transportation and Omega Warehousing move and store the products your company sells. The two businesses are examples of

Select one:
• a. resellers
• b. marketing intermediaries • c. physical distribution firms • d. marketing services agencies • e. geographic segments

Question 20

You are about to test the hypothesis that sales of your product will increase at a very similar rate at either a $5 drop in unit price or a $7 drop in unit price. You are involved in what type of research?

Select one:
• a. ethnographic • b. descriptive • c. focus group • d. causal
• e. exploratory

Question 21

Anna Gregory just completed reading a marketing research report about the top 25 countries that purchase American products. What would the report most likely say about international research within these countries?

Select one:
• a. It is on the decrease due to high costs.
• b. Despite the costs of international research, the costs of not doing it are higher. • c. The costs are higher than the benefits.
• d. Interpretations of American quality are consistent among different countries. • e. There is a lack of qualified research personnel.

Question 22

Ethnographic research

Select one:
• a. is most popular in the service sector
• b. is gathered where people live and work • c. comes from traditional focus groups
• d. provides secondary data
• e. provides data to marketers when observation is impossible

Question 23

Through which of these sources of information is a competitor least likely to reveal intelligence information?

Select one:
• a. Web pages
• b. annual reports
• c. internal marketing meetings • d. trade show exhibits
• e. press releases

Question 24

Tasoula Jeannopoulos has a limited budget for the market research she needs to conduct; however, the sample size for her research is quite large. Which of the following methods of contact would provide Tasoula with the most cost-effective way to reach a large sample of potential customers?

Select one:
• a. focus group interviews • b. personal interviews
0 c. telephone surveys • d. Internet surveys • e. mail surveys

Question 25

Marketing information is only valuable when it is used to

Select one:
• a. identify a target market
• b. simplify management's job • c. please shareholders
• d. make better marketing decisions
• e. increase efficiencies in the supply chain

Question 26

Your marketing department is attempting to improve strategic decision making, track competitors' actions, and provide early warning of opportunities and threats. To achieve this goal, which of the following would be the best for your department to use?

Select one:
• a. external databases
• b. marketing intelligence • c. the Internet
• d. company reports only • e. internal databases

Question 27

According to Freud's theories, people are many of the psychological forces shaping their behavior.

Select one:
• a. status-driven about • b. unaware of
• c. aware of
• d. socially conscious of • e. unsure of

Question 28 During which stage of the business buying process is a buyer most likely to conduct value analysis, carefully studying components to determine if they can be redesigned, standardized, or made less expensive?

Select one:
• a. product specification • b. proposal solicitation
• c. general need recognition • d. performance review
• e. order-routine specification

Question 29

People tend to interpret new information in a way that will support what they already believe. This is called Select one:
• a. selective distortion • b. selective perception • c. selective attitude
• d. selective retention
• e. selective learning

Question 30

Opinion leaders are sometimes referred to as Select one:
• a. buzz marketers • b. the upper class • c. the influentials • d. the middle class • e. networkers

Question 31

A is a need that is sufficiently pressing to direct a person to seek satisfaction.

Select one:
• a. culture
• b. perception • c. motive
• d. tradition • e. stimulus

Question 32

Leona purchased two bottles of wine from vineyards in Australia. When asked her opinion of the wine, she said the burgundy wine tasted like alcoholic grape juice, but the Chablis had a crisp taste that she really enjoyed. These statements were made during the stage of the purchase decision.

Select one:
• a. information search • b. alternative evaluation
• c. postpurchase behavior • d. purchase decision
• e. situational analysis

Question 33 In general, a company should enter only segments in which it can and

Select one:
• a. offer superior value; ship faster • b. offer lower prices; ship faster
0 c. identify behaviors; understand spending power
• d. offer superior value; gain advantages over competitors • e. gain advantages over competitors; offer new products

Question 34 A company or market offer can be differentiated along the lines of product, image, services, channels, or

Select one:
• a. nonprice factors • b. customer service • c. people
• d. location • e. prices

Question 35

It is most accurate to say that successful niche marketing relies on a firm's and its Select one:
• a. competitive advantage in comparison to mass-market companies; affordable pricing • b. marketing strategy; services
• c. individual relationships with customers; positioning • d. superior products; value network partners
• e. greater knowledge of customers' needs; special reputation

Question 36

By studying its less loyal buyers, a company can detect which brands are most with its own.

Select one:
• a. similar
• b. competitive
• c. often overlooked • d. complementary • e. used

Question 37

You have just created the "perfect" ad. It communicates the full mix of benefits upon which the brand is differentiated and positioned. This full positioning of the brand is called

Select one:
• a. its value proposition • b. value profiling
• c. differentiated marketing • d. target marketing
• e. capturing the consumers' attention

Question 38

Target marketing sometimes generates controversy and concern. Issues usually involve the targeting of consumers with products.

Select one:
• a. vulnerable or disadvantaged; controversial or potentially harmful • b. elderly; expensive
• c. mass market; deceptive • d. young; appealing
• e. vulnerable; marketing

Question 39

The service profit chain consists of five links. Which of the following is one of these five links? Select one:
• a. increased service inseparability • b. decreased cost
• c. broader service mix
• d. increased service variability • e. satisfied and loyal customers

Question 40

Service intangibility means that

Select one:
• a. services cannot be separated from their providers, whether the providers are people or machines
• b. the quality of services depends on who provides them as well as when, where, and how they are provided • c. services cannot be stored for later sale or use
• d. services cannot be seen, tasted, felt, heard, or smelled before they are bought • e. evaluation of services is subjective and it changes from customer to customer

Question 41

What are the two dimensions of product quality? Select one:
• a. conformance and style
• b. performance and resistance • c. features and design
• d. design and innovation • e. level and consistency

Question 42

Product mix refers to the number of different product lines the company carries.

Select one:
• a. height • b. length • c. width • d. depth
• e. perimeter

Question 43

occurs when a company introduces additional items in a given product category under the same brand name, such as new flavors, forms, colors, ingredients, or package sizes.

Select one:
• a. Service variability • b. A product mix
• c. A line extension
• d. Interactive marketing • e. Service intangibility

Question 44

A(n) is a name, term, sign, symbol, design, or a combination of these, that identifies that maker or seller of a product or service. Select one:
• a. co-branding
• b. internal marketing • c. brand
• d. external marketing • e. service

Question 45

A review of the sales, costs, and profit projections for a new product to find out whether they satisfy the company's objectives is called a

Select one:
• a. vendor analysis • b. portfolio analysis • c. business analysis • d. SWOT analysis • e. concept analysis

Question 46

A is the way consumers perceive an actual or potential product. Select one:
• a. product audit • b. product feature • c. product image
• d. product framework • e. product mix

Question 47

New product development starts with Select one:
• a. idea screening • b. test marketing • c. concept testing • d. idea generation
• e. concept development

Question 48

Many marketers are using simulated marketing technologies to reduce the cost of

Select one:
• a. concept testing
• b. marketing strategy development • c. product development
• d. concept development • e. test marketing

Question 49

In which stage of the PLC will promotional expenditures be especially hiph in an attempt to create consumer awareness*

Select one:
• a. adoption
• b. product development
• c. growth
• d. maturity
G e. introduction

Question 50

Under what circumstances might it be wise for a company to do little or no test marketing? Select one:
• a. when a new product requires a major investment
• b. when management is unsure of the projected demand for the product • c. when management is implementing a mass marketing program
• d. when the product has no substitutes and is new in its category
• e. when the costs of developing and introducing the product are low

Question 1 When Pepsi came out with Pepsi Blue and priced it at half price to attract buyers, Pepsi was using

Select one:
• a. promotional allowances
• b. market-penetration pricing • c. discount pricing
• d. marketing-skimming pricing • e. new-product pricing
Clear my choice

Question 2

Under which type of geographic pricing strategy does each customer pay the exact freight for the product from the factory to its destination? Select one:
• a. freight-absorption pricing • b. FOB-origin pricing
• c. basing-point pricing • d. zone pricing
• e. dynamic pricing

Question 3
Which of the following statements about a break-even chart is true? Select one:
• a. It is a tool marketers use to examine the relationship between supply and demand.
• b. It is used to determine how the customer-perceived value changes with value-added pricing. • c. It uses variable costs, the unit price, and fixed costs.
• d. It is a tool used to calculate fixed costs.
• e. It shows the level of earnings a company has during an accounting period.

Question 4 involves charging a constant low price with few or no temporary price discounts.

Select one:
• a. High-low pricing • b. Penetration pricing • c. Cost-plus pricing
• d. Everyday low pricing (EDLP) • e. Target return pricing

Question 5

Under , the market consists of many buyers and sellers who trade over a range of prices rather than a single market price. Select one:
• a. monopolistic competition • b. pure competition
• c. oligopolistic competition • d. a pure monopoly
• e. socialism

Question 6

When using price steps, the seller must establish perceived that support the price differences among the products in the line.

Select one:
• a. images
• b. nonprice competition • c. value differences
• d. quantity levels • e. strategies

Question 7

If Canon Camera Company follows a high-price, high-margin strategy, what will competitors most likely do?

Select one:
• a. They will advertise less.
• b. They will want to compete by undercutting Canon's price. • c. They will use market-skimming pricing.
• d. They will unbundle their products. • e. They will go out of business.

Question 8

An advantage of a vertical marketing system (VMS) over a conventional distribution channel is that it acts as a system.

Select one:
• a. unified
• b. task-driven
• c. socially responsible • d. customer-driven • e. democratic

Question 9

Hybrid marketing systems are also called Select one:
• a. horizontal multichannel systems • b. administered franchises
• c. multichannel distribution systems • d. dual distribution systems
• e. contractual marketing systems

Questiong 10

Which of the following is an example of a multichannel distribution system? Select one:
• a. J. C. Penney's catalog and retail store sales • b. Starbuck's location inside of book stores
• c. a hotel providing guest privileges at a health spa across the street
• d. Avon's door-to-door distribution
• e. WaI-Mart locating to several countries

Questiong 11

The most common type of contractual VMS agreement in business is the Select one:
• a. multichannel marketing system • b. corporate VMS
• c. conventional marketing channel • d. franchise organization
• e. administered VMS

Questiong 12 Steve's Physco Skates sells its products to WaI-Mart, who then sells them to the consumer. This is an example of a(n)

Select one:
• a. direct marketing channel • b. indirect marketing channel
• c. corporate vertical marketing system • d. retailer channel
• e. producer channel

Question 13

The goal of marketing logistics should be to provide a level of customer service at the least cost.

Select one:
• a. stable • b. targeted
• c. minimum
• d. moderate • e. maximum

Questiong 14

A(n) brings buyers and sellers together and assists in negotiations. Select one:
• a. broker
• b. wholesaler
• c. retail convergence • d. retailer
• e. agent

Questiong 15

operate in warehouse-like facilities, sell a limited selection of items, and offer few frills. Customers pay annual membership fees and are able to purchase goods at deep discounts.

Select one:
• a. Superstores
• b. Factory outlets
• c. Discount stores
0 d. Independent off-price retailers • e. Warehouse clubs

Questiong 16 Which type of store carries a deep assortment, has knowledgeable staff, and might actually be viewed as a giant specialty store?

Select one:
• a. independent • b. chain
• c. category killer
• d. factory outlet
• e. shopping center

Questiong 17

Like retailers, wholesalers must their target markets and themselves effectively, for they cannot serve everyone.

Select one:
• a. position; define • b. identify; compare • c. define; position
• d. franchise; discount • e. discount; franchise

Questiong 18 are flourishing due to increased use of market segmentation and market targeting.

Select one:
• a. Off-price stores • b. Chain stores
• c. Specialty stores • d. Discount stores • e. Superstores

Question 19

The main difference between organizations and other contractual systems is that these systems are normally based on some unique product or service.

Select one:
• a. independent • b. franchise
• c. retailer cooperative • d. warehouse-club
• e. voluntary chain

Question 20

After creating message strategy statements, the advertiser must develop a(n) that will bring the message strategy to life in a distinctive and memorable way.

Select one:
• a. execution style • b. media vehicle
• c. customer benefit • d. customer strategy • e. creative concept

Question 21

In selecting media vehicles, the planner must balance media costs against several media effectiveness factors. First, the planner should evaluate the media vehicle's

Select one:
• a. market coverage
• b. pass-along audience • c. audience attention • d. audience quality
• e. editorial quality

Question 22 To succeed, an advertisement must

Select one:
• a. have a significant budget
• b. be placed during prime time
• c. gain attention and be engaging • d. interrupt or disrupt
• e. be high frequency

Question 23

Business-to-consumer companies are more likely to emphasize a promotion strategy, while business-to-business companies are more likely to emphasize a promotion strategy.

Select one:
• a. pull; push
• b. continuity; pulse • c. push; pull
• d. pulse; pull
• e. pulse; continuity

Question 24

When nonprofit organizations need financial or volunteer support, they often turn to public relations experts to help them in the area of

Select one:
• a. development • b. press relations
0 c. public affairs • d. lobbying
• e. product publicity

You receive a report that says the 68% of your target market had been exposed to your ad campaign during a given period of time. This is an example of

Select one:
• a. frequency • b. reach
• c. impact
• d. qualitative value • e. engagement

Question 26
Tara Keegan owns Live Well, a small chain of health stores offering a variety of natural health products and related services. In order to implement integrated marketing communications, Tara has hired a marketing communications director, whose job it will be to ensure that each will deliver a consistent and positive message about the company.

Select one:
• a. media vehicle
• b. public relations message • c. logo
• d. advertisement • e. brand contact

Question 27

Sales encourage a sales force to make a selling effort that is above and beyond the normal expectation. Select one:
• a. quotas • b. plans • c. reports
• d. contests • e. teams

Question 28 Which consumer promotion tool requires consumers to send a proof of purchase to the manufacturer?

Select one:
• a. coupons • b. samples
• c. cents-off deals
• d. cash refunds
• e. promotional products

Question 29

Of the major consumer promotion tools, which is the most effective for introducing a new product or creating excitement for an existing one?

Select one:
• a. samples • b. coupons
• c. cash refunds • d. rebates
• e. advertising

Question 30

At Finley's Fine Goods, members of the sales force and marketing department tend to have disagreements when things go wrong with a customer. The marketers blame the salespeople for poorly executing their strategies, while the salespeople blame the marketers for being out of touch with the customer. Which of the following steps should upper-level management at Finley's Fine Goods take to help bring the sales and marketing functions closer together?

Select one:
• a. establish a complex sales force structure • b. create an inside sales force
• c. employ a chief revenue officer
• d. establish a customer sales force structure • e. adopt a sales force automation system

Question 31

Your inside sales force is responsible for prospecting and qualifying customers. Which of the following will likely occur?

Select one:
• a. The outside sales force will call on all prospects.
• b. The number of qualified customers will exceed the number of prospects. • c. Your inside sales force will attend meetings with qualified customers.
• d. A salesperson may have to approach many qualified customers just to make one sale. • e. A and C

Question 32

The sales force at Messimer Computing recently began telemarketing and Web selling. How will telemarketing and Web selling most likely benefit Messimer Computing?

Select one:
• a. The outside sales force of Messimer will be freed up to work more with the marketing department. • b. Messimer sales reps will be able to service hard-to-reach customers more effectively.
• c. The inside sales force of Messimer will receive better compensation than the outside sales force. • d. Messimer sales reps will need to spend less face-to-face time with large, high-value customers. • e. Messimer sales reps will be able to work from home offices more regularly.

Question 33 When airlines award customers points for miles traveled that can be turned in for free airline trips, they are using a(n) Select one:
• a. premium reward • b. POP promotion
• c. advertising specialty
0 d. frequency marketing program • e. price pack

In order to win and keep accounts, most companies want their salesforce to practice selling.

Select one:
• a. competitive • b. profit margin • c. spendthrift • d. value
• e. short-term

Question 35

Of the main consumer promotion tools, which is the most costly? Select one:
• a. coupons • b. advertising • c. billboards • d. samples
• e. cash refunds

Question 36 consists of short-term incentives to encourage the purchase or sale of a product or service. This offers reasons to buy it now.

Select one:
• a. A patronage reward • b. Advertising
• c. Sales promotion
• d. A segmented promotion • e. Publicity

Question 37

The prospecting step in the selling process includes identifying and the prospects.

Select one:
• a. approaching • b. calling on • c. qualifying • d. preselling
• e. making an appointment with

Question 38 Manufacturers direct more sales promotion dollars toward than to

Select one:
• a. mature consumers; teenagers • b. customers; wholesalers
• c. consumers; retailers
• d. retailers and wholesalers; consumers • e. retailers; wholesalers

Question 39

In January 1994, established a free trade zone among the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

Select one:
• a. WTO G b. EU • c. GATT
• e. NAFTA

Question 40

World product groups, geographical organizations, and international subsidiaries are all options for organizing a(n)

Select one:
• a. indirect exporting venture
• b. standardized global marketing strategy • c. joint ownership
• d. international division • e. export department

Question 41

Azerbajan imported wheat from Romania in exchange for crude oil and Vietnam exchanged rice for Philippine fertilizer and coconuts. Both scenarios are examples of which of the following?

Select one:
• a. exchange controls • b. tariffs
• c. blocked currency • d. quotas
• e. barter

Question 42

In international trade, it is ideal if the buyer can pay in Select one:
• a. the seller's currency • b. the buyer's currency • c. the euro
0 d. countertrade • e. barter

Question 43

Very few market opportunities are available in a(n) economy.

Select one:
• a. subsistence
• b. raw material exporting • c. emerging
• d. industrializing • e. industrial

Question 44

As global trade is growing, global competition is Select one:
• a. leveling off • b. declining • c. intensifying • d. erratic
• e. contracting

Question 45

Jacob Engineering Group views and organizes its marketing activities from the viewpoint of its buyers. Management works hard to sense, serve, and satisfy the needs of its well-defined group of buyers. What does Jacob Engineering Group practice?

Select one:
• a. sense-of-mission marketing • b. consumer-oriented marketing • c. societal marketing
0 d. customer-value marketing • e. innovative marketing

Question 46

Which sustainable marketing principle emphasizes building long-run consumer loyalty and relationships?

Select one:
• a. innovative
• b. environmentalist • c. customer-value • d. market-oriented • e. consumerist

Question 47

The in the United States came about because of concern for acid rain, toxic wastes, litter, and the damage caused by strip mining and forest depletion.

Select one:
• a. first wave of modern environmentalism • b. first wave of enlightened marketing
• c. second wave of consumerism
• d. current wave of environmentalism
• e. second wave of modern environmentalism

Question 48

In which of the following scenarios would high-pressure selling tactics typically be most advantageous for marketers? Select one:
• a. selling situations with dissatisfied customers • b. selling situations with long-time customers
• c. selling situations with a company's most highly valued customers
0 d. one-time selling situations
• e. selling situations with new customers with a high likelihood of becoming repeat customers

Question 49

is an organized movement of citizens and government agencies to improve the rights and power of buyers in relation to sellers.

Select one:
• a. The Bill of Rights • b. Environmentalism • c. Consumerism
• d. The Human Relations Movement • e. Grassroots politics

Question 50

A company that produces and heavily markets cigarettes, with many promotions aimed at young (although legal age) nonsmokers, most likely follows which of the following as a guiding principle?

Select one:
• a. the philosophy that companies should have a social conscience • b. the philosophy of consumer-oriented marketing
• c. the philosophy of sustainable marketing
• d. the philosophy that companies can do in good conscience whatever the market and legal systems allow • e. the philosophy of consumerism

Reference no: EM133370561

Questions Cloud

Understanding of management of projects : Based on your understanding of the management of projects in general within the business environment, how do you feel that analytic projects are unique?
Which a patient brain scan type from an fmri may be useful : As a Speech Language Pathologist or therapists identify a potential situation in which a patient's brain scan type from an fMRI may be useful to you
What is full name of this entry, and what is its full code : What is the full name of this entry, and what is its full code? What is the chapter for this code (the table with the letter and range of numbers from
What procedure must mrs. harlan follows for these services : What procedure must Mrs. Harlan follows for these services to be covered by TRICARE Standard? If the doctor shares Mrs. Harlan's medical records
How many people would be included in the focus group : Marketing and Sales Assignment - understand marketing, a good first step is to master your insight into the Four Ps of marketing: Product, Pricing, Promotion
What are some of the things that should be considered : What are some of the things that should be considered when making decisions about what health insurance is best for you? Explain.
Describe how you would apply interprofessional communication : Describe how you would apply the interprofessional communication competencies when approaching discussions with the project stakeholders.
What kind of applications would you implement that met : What kind of applications would you implement that met health record requirements? What would the integration between these applications look like?
What are the associated risk factors for this disease : What are the associated risk factors for this disease? Specifically, what risk factors does Steve exhibit? What is the underlying pathophysiology


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