Reference no: EM13335047
a. List the details of any works of art (including the Artist who created the work) that have more than one copy recorded in the database.
b. List the details of any work of art (including the Artist who created the work) that has an Expressionist style.
c. List the details of the works of art (including the Artist who created the work, and the acquisition and asking price details) currently held in the gallery (i.e., works of art that have not been sold).
d. List the sales for each customer (i.e., when a customer purchases a work of art from the Gallery, a transaction line is created. For a purchase, there will be values in the DateSold and SalesPrice columns). The query should include the details of the customer, the transaction and the work of art purchased.
e. List the names of the deceased artists and the number of years of age they were when they died (for example, an artist born in 1950 and deceased in 2001 has an age of 51).
f. The sum of the acquisition price of works of art for each year (for example, if there were two works of art purchased for $1500 and $1000 in
2007, and one work of art purchased for $500 in 2008, then the sums would be $2500 and $500, for 2007 and 2008 respectively).
g. Calculate the profit made on works of art that have been sold (i.e., the profit/loss on an individual work of art is the difference between the
acquisition price and the sales price).
h. Which artist has had the most works of art sold, and how many of the artist's works have been sold?
i. Sales of which artist's works have resulted in the highest average profit (i.e., the average of the profits made on each sale of works by an artist), and what is that amount?
j. Customer name of any customers who have an interest in ALL artists.