How many names did chike receive at birth

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Reference no: EM131971849

QUESTION 1 :  Who was reallyopposed to Mini's friendship with Rahmat?

Mini's father

The household maid


Mini's mother

QUESTION 2 :  After being sentenced to death, whom did Chandara in "Punishment" want to see one last time?

Her husband

Her brother-in-law

Her mother

The magistrate

QUESTION 3 :  Which, among the following, is NOT on the list of instructions that the mother gives her daughter in Kincaid's "Girl"?

How to grow okra

How make pepper pot

How to raise a child

How to make medicine to abort a pregnancy

QUESTION 4 : In "Drown," Diaz describes spaces where Beto and Yunior have their misadventures. Included among them is/are:

The mall

The community swimming pool

Both (a) and (b)

Neither (a) nor (b)

QUESTION 5 : After being released from prison, Rahmat shows up at Mini's house on an auspicious day. It is

Mini's wedding day

Mini's father's retirement party

Mini's mother's birthday

A housewarming get-together

QUESTION 6 : What did Yunior in "Drown" do for a living?

Sell computers

Sell drugs

Rob stores

None of the above

QUESTION 7 :  "Would it have been worthwhile...

To say: "I am _________________, come from the dead,

Come back to tell you all, I shall tell you all---"

Which Biblical character is Eliot's Prufrock referring to in these lines?





QUESTION 8 :  In "Drown," Yunior's father lives in

Galveston, TX

Boca Raton, FL

Sacramento, CA

Buffalo, NY

QUESTION 9 : Chhidam and Dukhiram Rui (in "Punishment") were


Agricultural laborers



QUESTION 10 :  Which of the following is NOT a question that Prufrock asks his audience?

Do I dare disturb the universe?

Are my arms and legs too thin?

Would it have been worth it, after all?

Shall I part my hair behind?

QUESTION 11 :  What country was Rahmat in "Kabuliwala" from?





QUESTION 12 :  What were Chandara's last words in "Punishment"?

I want justice

To hell with him

I am innocent

Dukhiram murdered Radha

QUESTION 13 :  How many names did Chike receive at birth?





QUESTION 14 :  What does "osu" (in "Chike's School Days") mean?





QUESTION 15 : The narrator in Joyce's "Araby" was infatuated with a friend's sister. What was the friend's name?





QUESTION 16 :  What was the name of the street on which the narrator in "Araby" lived?

Baker Street

North Richmond Street

Diagon Alley

Privet Drive

QUESTION 17 : There was one British character in "Punishment." It was

The village priest

The Rui brothers' employer

The Magistrate

Khudiram's wife

QUESTION 18 :  In "Araby," what poem did the narrator's uncle recite to him just as he was leaving for the bazaar?

"An Arab's Farewell to his Steed"

"Kubla Khan"


"Ode to a Nightingale"

QUESTION 19 :  In "Araby," the former tenant of the narator's house left some books behind. Which of these books were NOT among them?

Biographia Literaria

The Abbott

The Devout Communicant

The Memoirs of Vidoq

QUESTION 20 :  In "The Old Chief Mshlanga," the native Africans address the narrator as









Reference no: EM131971849

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