How many months are required to repay the debt

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM13243472

A bank recently announced an "instant cash" plan for holders ofits bank credit cards. A cardholder may receive cash from thebank up to a preset limit (about $500). There is a specialcharge of 4% made at the time the "instant cash" is sent to thecardholders. The debt may be repaid in monthly installments.Each month the bank charges 1½% on the unpaidbalance. The monthly payment, including interest, may be aslittle as $10. Thus, for $150 of "instant cash," an initialcharge of $6 is made and added to the balance due. Assume thecardholder makes a monthly payment of $10 (this includes bothprincipal and interest). How many months are required to repay the debt?

Reference no: EM13243472

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