How many minutes were devoted to advertising

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131468923

Watch one hour of prime-time TV and answer the following questions:

- How many minutes were devoted to advertising?

- How were these ads distributed throughout the hour?

- How many commercials were 60 seconds long? 45 seconds? 30 seconds? 15 seconds? Were there any other commercial lengths?

- Was the same product advertised more than once during the hour? Were the commercials identical?

- In a "pod" of several commercials, do you feel that one position is strongest? Is being first the best? Is being last the best? Why?

- How well do the commercials fit with the program? Do the programs and the products have similar target markets?

Make sure you note the name of the program and the date/time watched.

Be prepared to discuss findings with class. This will be turned in as part of your in-class grade.

Contests and sweepstakes are very common in the entertainment industry. Radio stations have contests almost weekly (some daily); local television morning shows quiz viewers on trivia; even movies offer sweepstakes in conjunction with film previews and premiere nights.

Think of a television program unlikely to have contests or sweepstakes (things like Cops, The View, Scooby Doo). Once you have chosen your program, design a contest or sweepstakes to promote the show or the channel on which it airs. Describe the rationale behind your promotion.

Reference no: EM131468923

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