Reference no: EM13855014
Dimensional Analysis Practice Session
Before you come to Seminar, solve the following problems to the best of your ability. Although your instructor will work through these problems step-by-step with you during the Seminar, it is important that you work through them first so that you can identify where you might need additional assistance or be making errors. Use conversion factors from previous problems to solve as appropriate.
1. A recipe for applesauce requires 3 cups of apple juice. You only have a metric measuring cup. How many liters of apple juice do you need? Recall that 1 quart = 4 cups, and that 1 liter = 1.057 quarts.
2. If you are 34 years old today, how many days old are you?
3. You pick up a 1.18 liter bottle of hand sanitizer to clean your hands before having lunch and notice that the label says the hand sanitizer contains 62% ethanol by volume. How many milliliters of ethanol are in the bottle of hand sanitizer?
4. There is a 40-pound luggage weight limit for your flight to Paris. When you place your luggage on the scale, you think you are within the limits because it reads 18.0, but then you realize that the weight is in kilograms. What is the weight of your luggage in pounds? Is it over the weight limit?
5. You work in a factory that makes chocolate chip cookies. Your cookies contain 18% by weight chocolate chips. If your boss tells you that yesterday, the factory used 300 pounds of chocolate chips, how many kilograms of cookies did the factory make?