Reference no: EM133150996
Questions - Answer the following problem. Show solution and box the answer.
Q1. Laffey spends her working hours (8 hours) filing, typing, and placing/receiving calls. If she approximately performs these functions in the ratio of 2:3:5, how many hours does she spend for each function (express your answers in minutes)?
Q2. Graf Zeppelin and August von Parseval decided to become partners in a business they are about to open. Their invested capital is P30 000.00 and P45 000.00, respectively. a. What is their capital ratio? b. If they share profits and losses in accordance with their capital ratio, find the share of each in a net profit of P18 000.00
Q3. Avrora is about to purchase maintenance medicines for her cholesterol level and diabetes priced at P14.50 and P5.75 per piece respectively. Both prices are inclusive of 12% VAT. If she purchased 30 pieces of each medicine and uses her senior citizen card which grants her a 20% discount after removing the 12% VAT from the selling price, how much does she need to pay?
Q4. Sendai, Jintsuu and Naka owns and operates a bakeshop. Sendai purchased all the ingredients they will need for their products amounting to P63,440.00. Naka used half of the ingredients to bake the products they will sell for the day. Jintsuu was able to sell all the products Naka made for P52,125.00. Compute for the % Margin of the products they sold for that day.