How many flash separators are needed

Assignment Help Chemical Engineering
Reference no: EM131155888

Problem 8.2: Use the data for the system methanol-ethanol (from the previous problem) to design a separation process that takes a mixture with 20% methanol and produces a stream that contains 90% methanol by continuously flashing the vapor stream until the required purity is reached (the liquid streams are not recycled). The process is to be operated at 1 bar with a ratio V/L = 0.5 in all flash separators.

a) How many flash separators are needed?

b) Calculate the percentage of methanol recovered in the 90% stream relative to the methanol in the feed.

c) Change the vapor liquid ratio to V/L = 0.75 and repeat parts a and b.

d) Your boss has asked you to recommend a value for the vapor, liquid ratio V/L. What is your recommendation?

Reference no: EM131155888

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