How many carbons are in the compound

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Reference no: EM133400510

Question 1. Mass spectrometry is often used to both identify and quantify compounds. What is different between mass spectra with changing concentrations of a compound? How would you design a method (i.e. what would you need) to both identify and quantify a compound using mass spectrometry? Be specific as possible. 

Question 2. In EI, the molecular ion of a compound has a 80% relative abundance. If the relative abundance of the [M + 1] ion is 12 %, how many carbons are in the compound?

Question 3. You are given two mass spectra and told that they belong to diazepam and mazindol - but the analyst cannot remember which spectrum is of which compound. Shown below are the two spectra A and B and the structures of diazepam and mazindol. Both have the chemical formula C16H13ClN2O. Match the spectrum with the correct compound and justify your answer?

Reference no: EM133400510

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