How john demos interpretation of history of heathen school

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Reference no: EM131689908 , Length: word count:1000

Essay Prompts

Potential essay topics. Choose one:

Argue that the "Heathen School" is or is not a representation of American history more broadly by discussing the role of religion in the American experience.

Evaluate how John Demos's interpretation of the history of the "Heathen School" illustrates American challenges relating to mulitculturalism and assimilation.

Situate the "Heathen School" in the longer history of US relations to Native American people; as a private institution, rather than government institution, how is the school different and similar to the government's relations with Native American people?

Surprise me. Develop your own argument using evidence from both of their writings.

Content: Your paper must have a main idea/thesis/argument. It cannot be a summary of the reading.

Your paper must be carefully edited. Grammar, punctuation, and spelling count.

Cultivate your own voice/style. You will be writing a lot of papers in college, at least three in this course, so find your voice.  This does not mean the papers are about you.  Do not write about yourself.

You must demonstrate understanding and familiarity with the core text.

These are reading response essays, not research papers. There should be no other source material beyond Demos's The Heathen School; do not summarize content you have read on the internet.

Attachment:- Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM131689908

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How john demos interpretation of history of heathen school : 1301 John Demos Essay Prompts. Evaluate how John Demos's interpretation of history of "Heathen School" illustrates American challenges relating to assimilation
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10/25/2017 12:42:10 AM

Attached here is the link for essay on john deos * the heathen school. Its a 1000 word essay in chicago style and you have to choose 1 topic given in essay requirement. I am attaching essay topic in the file below. Content: Your paper must have a main idea/thesis/argument. It cannot be a summary of the reading. Your paper must be carefully edited. Grammar, punctuation, and spelling count. These are reading response essays, not research papers. There should be no other source material beyond Demos’s The Heathen School; do not summarize content you have read on the internet.


10/25/2017 12:42:03 AM

Format: 1000 words, Double space, 10 or 12 point font, Standard written English, One inch margins and Cite with footnotes in Chicago style, not in parenthetical MLA style. Grading: Meet the format requirements, Have a strong main idea, Write clearly and edit your work and A papers do these three tasks strongly, B papers may be weak in one area, C papers may be weak in two areas, etc.

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