How java enabled high performance

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13912575


1- What do you know about Java?

2- What are the supported platforms by Java Programming Language?

3- List any five features of Java?

4- Why is Java Architectural Neutral?

5- How Java enabled High Performance?

6- Why Java is considered dynamic?

7- List two Java IDE's?

8- List some Java keywordsunlikeC, C + + keywords?

9- What do you mean by Object?

10- Define class?

Reference no: EM13912575

Questions Cloud

Write the cpp code for controversial issue of global warming : Write the C++ code for controversial issue of global warming has been widely publicized by the film An Inconvenient Truth, featuring former Vice President Al Gore.
Prepare comparative statements for the 5 years : Prepare comparative statements for the 5 years, assuming that Kreiter changed its method of inventory pricing to average cost. Indicate the effects on net income and earnings per share for the years involved.
Calculate a measure of the effect size : Calculate a measure of the effect size. Briefly (in less than 100 words) state whether you would accept the store's claim for the effectiveness of the memory booster, and if not, why not
Find the angular acceleration : A large 3kg object hangs from a rope wound on a 40 kg wheel. The wheel has an actual radius of 0.75m and a radius of gyration of 0.60m. Find the angular acceleration and the distance through which the weight will fall in the first 10s.
How java enabled high performance : How Java enabled High Performance? Why Java is considered dynamic? List two Java IDE's? List some Java keywordsunlikeC, C + + keywords?
Matt broderick company began operations : Matt Broderick Company began operations on January 2, 2013. It employs 9 individuals who work 8-hour days and are paid hourly
Dock in the shortest possible time : A fisherman has caught a very large, 5.0 kg fish from a dock that is 2.0 m above the water. He is using lightweight fishing line that will break under a tension of 56 N or more. He is eager to get the fish to the dock in the shortest possible time..
What are the inventory and cost of good sold : In addition to the above data, suppose the number of units available at the beginning of January was 545 and the cost of the March purchase was $31.00 per unit; what would COGS be for September? What would the ending Inventory be for September?
Calculate donovan total asset turnover ratio and roa : Calculate Donovan's total asset turnover ratio and ROA, assuming Donovan holds nominal amounts of cash and marketable securities.


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