How it affect the company business

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131195478

1. The case study analysis should cover the following aspects:

1.1 Table content. - the project course requirements (20 marks allocated to it)

1.2 Focus your report on the Objectives, Strategies and the Marketing Action Plans (4Ps') suggest about 7-8 Pages. Heavy weightage of marks will be given to these.


A. Executive summary - 3 key points.

i. Why? State the purpose of the project

ii. How? State the execution of the project?

iii. What? State the desired outcome?

B. Company Background

i. Who? Run the company - organisation structure

ii. Sales Trends chart 3-5 years

ii. What? Are they selling - product offerings

C. Environmental Analysis (SECTOR)

i. Use "SECTOR" - the FIVE environmental factors Social





ii. Relate each of the factors how it may affect the company business

D. Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

i. Use "GDP-B" the FOUR bases to segment the market Geographic - Where? Location , city

Demographic -(AEIOU) Gen Y, Gen X , Baby Boomer  i. Use hGDF5--B" the FOUR bases to segment the market

Geographic - Where? Location , city Demographic -(AEIOU) Gen Y, Gen X , Baby Boomer

Marketing Plan -Table of Content

Executive Summary

Company Background

Environmental Analysis

Segmentation & Targeting & Positioning

Setting Marketing Objectives

Strategies to achieve objectives

Action Plans: 4P's

Budget Needed to Support Strategies & Meet Objectives

Marketing Control

Conclusions ( AppendicestReterences)

Reference no: EM131195478

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