How is this project going to empower employees to exceed

Assignment Help Management Information Sys
Reference no: EM132372081


Fencing limited is a small to medium enterprise in Wollongong, New South Wales, who employs approximately 250 people.

Their primary business is selling fencing supplies to the construction, mining and manufacturing industries across Australia and they act as a wholesaler and a retail organisation. They also like to consider themselves as a nimble organisation which can quickly move into new market segments and product areas if the opportunity arises importing stock mostly from China. They have a 100-person call centre working in the Wollongong and a team of 50 salespeople who work across Australia. The remainder of the staff work in administration and the warehouse.The call centre cold calls organisations as well as taking calls from existing customers. They would like to transfer away from having teams of salespeople to a more online sales model. Currently their website contains information on products and details of how to contact head office, but you cannot purchase from the website.

Fencing Limited want to be able to better manage their inventory and allow wholesale customers to purchase directly from the website and see current stock levels. They would also like the customers to be able to see when more stock is arriving. There are still silos of information and it is important to the top management of Fencing Limited that their information systems become more integrated to better share and manage information. The owner of Fencing Limited is interested in moving toward a business model which makes better use of customer and sales data and has a robust online sales facility reducing the need for call centre and sales-people staff. He also wants to have much better real time reporting from the integrated data. Peter Smith is ready to invest $100 000 a year for the next three years but wants return on this investment.

You are a new information systems manager hired by Fencing Limited to help them achieve their strategic goals, their first project is that they are concerned about the future proofing of their network and their ability to keep client and organisational information secure. Most people in the organisation consider that their current system is adequate for their needs, however building a faster, more agile secure network to better facilitate their business and empower their employees to exceed sales goals is a strategic goal of Fencing Limited management.

They have a reasonably quick Internet connection with good wireless availability across the facility and the staff are free to BYOD and connect to the network. The main office of Fencing Limited is near the Princes Highway on an industrial estate with a paper recycling plant on one side and a car wrecking yard on the other side. Fencing Limited do employ a security firm to patrol during periods when they are closed, and the main doors are alarmed. However, they have had break ins with small losses.

You have been requested to prepare a report by the owner Peter Smith, although he has limited technical knowledge, he is extremely anxious to understand how his new systems will work together and that the system will comply with regulations, including privacy. There is a high level of organizational interest across Fencing Limited in this project.It is important to achieve well in this assignment that you discuss this networking project in particular notnetwork management and security in general.

This report should address the following issues and include the following sections in the main body of the report. Please note standard report structure must be adhered to.

1. Project Background which includes the following sub-sections
• Project Background
i. How is this project going to empower employees to exceed their sales goals
• Project scope
• Project goal
• Strategic alignment of project.
2. Network Security
3. Access control and authentication
4. Business continuity
5. Risk management
6. Conclusions
7. Recommendations

The body of the report should bearound two thousand five hundred (2500) words and it would be best to be no longer than three thousand (3000) words long.

• Appropriate referencing is required (both in-text and a bibliography). The textbook,
• Ciampa, M (2016), Security + Guide to Network Security Fundamentals , 6thedn., Cengage, Boston is a valid resource, however at least five (5) other good quality resources must also be used.
The report is to be prepared as a single Microsoft Word document adhering to all conventions detailed in Chapter 3 of:

Summers, J. and Smith, B., 2014, Communication Skills Handbook: How to succeed in written and oral communication, 4th, Wiley, Singapore

Reference no: EM132372081

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Referencing of sources of information used within the body of the document and in a reference list using Harvard referencing style. (5 Marks) Scholarly/Ethical • A range of highly relevant sources of information are cited and advanced referencing techniques add to the flow and ease of understanding. • All references cited in faultless Harvard Referencing style. Knowledge of case study context and writing a business case. Appropriate conclusions and recommendations (25 Marks) Demonstrates extensive knowledge of case study context and writing a business case. Appropriate conclusions and recommendations Criteria 6: Business continuity and risk management. (20 marks) Demonstrates extensive knowledge of business continuity and risk management.


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Criteria High distinction Organisation and structure of written content (10 Marks) Coherent and Fluent • Skilfully uses structure to enhance expression. • Creates a cohesive and consistent writing style evidencing attention to detail. • Uses sophisticated language that skillfully communicates meaning with clarity and fluency Development and articulation of informed arguments to communicate knowledge of Network security and access control and authentication. (40 Marks) Discriminating • Usesappropriate,relevant,andcompellingcontent,conveyingthe writer'sunderstanding and stance. • A skillfuluseofhigh-quality, credible,relevantsourcestodevelopideasthatareappropriateforthediscipline andgenre ofthewriting. • Conclusions and related outcomes (consequences and implications) are supported by clear, logical and informed evaluation

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