How is the term team defined in the video

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131264649

Web Conferencing: What's Available? Your company wants to use a Web conferencing service to enable remote employees to hold meetings without traveling to be with each other. These employees need to share documents and PowerPoint slides, but they do not have to see each other. Your boss asks you to investigate services and costs.

Task. Using the Web, locate three Web conference vendors and check services and costs. (With your instructor's approval and direction, you might sign up for a free demonstration.) Deliver your findings in class discussion or in a short memo (see Chapter 7) addressed to your boss, Darrell Johnson. Video Resources Building Workplace Skills Video Library 2 Understanding Teamwork at Cold Stone Creamery Inside Cold Stone Creamery, the fast-growing ice cream specialty chain, you see that teamwork permeates every facet of Cold Stone's corporate culture. After you watch the video, be prepared to discuss these questions:

a. How is the term team defined in this video? Can you offer a definition that is more specific?

b. What six different kinds of teams were mentioned in the Cold Stone Creamery video? Can you provide examples of these teams based on companies with which you are familiar?

c. What characteristics make for effective teams? In your experience with teams, do you agree or disagree?

Reference no: EM131264649

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