How is the shift to concrete as a building material

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Reference no: EM133634017

Discussion Prompt

Please make sure to use specific examples from the course materials throughout your response, and cite all of your sources. Parts 2) and 3) deserve more substantial attention and length that 1), though 1) still matters of course!

Your geographical imagination:
Close your eyes and think about 'South Asia' for 30 seconds. Outline the key images and thoughts that come to mind, as well as what forces/people/activities/etc., helped influence and form these ideas in your mind (if indeed you had some!) before you took Geog 340.
Close your eyes and think about 'Bangladesh' for 30 seconds. Outline the key images and thoughts that come to mind, as well as what forces/people/activities/etc., helped influence and form these ideas in your mind (if indeed you had some!) before you took Geog 340.
Watch Siddharth Menon's case study ('Concrete and Change in Urbanizing India') very closely.
What are the key differences between "kuccha" vs "pucca" materials for the construction of buildings in India?
How was colonialism associated with the import and use of concrete in India. And what did early postcolonial leaders think about the symbolic role of concrete in shaping the built environment?
How is the shift to concrete as a building material impacting people on an everyday basis in India, including with respect to gender roles and relations?
Geographical Imagination & Reality: Discuss about a preconception about all of South Asia, or a specific country in South Asia, you had that THE TEXTBOOK shed light on for you. Perhaps your preconception was a misconception,and you were surprised by the textbook. Or perhaps the textbook clarified or added specificity to an accurate preconception you had. Explain a) your preconception b) what you think the source of that preconception was, and c) how the textbook affected it, citing relevant pages.

Reference no: EM133634017

Questions Cloud

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What year was the mean ozone hole area : What year was the mean Ozone Hole Area in the Southern Hemisphere the largest and what was its size (in millions of km2)
What is the students most appropriate responses : What is the student's most appropriate response(s)? Select all that apply.k-old infant and is concerned about the baby taking enough milk per day.
How is the shift to concrete as a building material : How is the shift to concrete as a building material impacting people on an everyday basis in India, including with respect to gender roles and relations?
Set the vertical alignment to center for the whole document : Place the Volunteers title at the top of the second column and Set the vertical alignment to Center for the whole document
Which medication regimens should the patient is given : You are caring for a 27 year old with asthma. In the past their symptoms occurred. which medication regimens should the patient is given for her asthma?
Describe the topography of the hawaiian islands : Describe the topography of the Hawaiian Islands and explain how the islands' topography creates several different climate zones
How have those considerations changed since : How have those considerations changed since the industrial revolution? How does digital technology influence how we weigh those three factors against


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