How is the law changing in connecuiut and elsewhere

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Reference no: EM133500156

Question: Reflect and comment upon the following cases and law review article

State v. Edwards 314 Conn 464 (2014)

State v. Gould 155 Conn App 392 (2015)

State v. Holmes 334 Conn 202 (2019)

Robin L Wilson "Opportunity Knocks Twice" 39 Quinineiac L Rev 485 (2021)

When writing, please consider some of these

In seeking to win a civil or criminal case for a client, how far should a lawyer go in rejecting optional jurors perceived to be unfavorable to the lawyers side of the case?

What is the harm, if any, when an otherwise quaffed citizen is prevented from serving on jury?

Why is it more difficult to reform the use of peremptory challenges in Connecticut?

What do you think of the reasons given for excluding the prospective jurors in Edwards, Gould, and Holmes

How is the law changing in Connecuiut and elsewhere?

Reference no: EM133500156

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