How is the determinant expressed in the population

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Reference no: EM132269340

Topic: Health of Virginians

In this learning activity, you will review secondary data sources for details about the health of Virginians.

Target1 Virginia county or community of interest in the following data sources; briefly scan the health assessment information to get a more detailed picture about the health status of Virginians in that specific locale or region. Then, look more closely at the health data concerning 1 of the 5health ranking determinants you wrote about in Learning Activity 1.

Virginia Department of health data &statistics1

Community Health status Indicators

County Health Rankings

Smart: Brfss Data

Following the principles of epidemiologic inquiry, answer the following questions regarding the information you uncovered about 1 health determinant in your selected county or community. Give your response in a MLA Format

• Person: Describe the population expressing the determinant

o How many (percentage of population or rate) are described by this determinant?

o How is the determinant expressed in the population (age, gender, education, socioeconomic status, or other characteristics)?

o Compare segments of the population (who has the most/least, at greatest/least risk)?

• Place: Describe the location with regard to the determinant

o Is the determinant seen more in urban or rural regions?

o What other characteristics define the prevalence of the determinant in the region (housing, geography, topography, etc.)?

o Compare other locations with the one you selected (how does prevalence compare in neighboring counties, the state, or the nation)?

• Period: Describe the time trends of the determinant

o Over the past few years, has the prevalence rate decreased or increased or stayed about the same? (i.e., is it getting better or worse?)

o Compare the time trends of the state and the nation with those of your location. Are they better, worse, or similar?

• Conclusion: From the information you gathered about the health determinant, describe a priority population in a particular place with a precise problem to address. This will be the focus of a public health intervention you will develop across the remaining learning activities.

Reference no: EM132269340

Questions Cloud

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What is a farmer market target market : What is a Farmer Market's Target market segment including demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioral variables?
Brand hold a strong-unique competitive position : Do other relevant farmers markets exist, or does the brand hold a strong and unique competitive position?
How is the determinant expressed in the population : How is the determinant expressed in the population (age, gender, education, socioeconomic status, or other characteristics)?
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