How is the choice betweena level strategy

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13308856

Basic knowledge Section- 

1.How is the choice betweena level strategy anda chasestrategy influenced by theskill level oftheworkforce and the degree  of automation?

2.Discuss fuI1y. How can supply chain compression reduce costs an dincrease revenues?

3.What aret he key elementsof theTQMapproach?Howdoesitdifferent to traditional qualitymanagement?

4.Differencebetweendependent andindependent demand.Explainwithexampleshow to reconcilecapacityanddemand.How canthe managementofcapacityand demand affectcosts, revenue,workingcapital,quality,speed,dependability andflexibility?

5.Discuss the natureandimportanceof inventories.Whatare somewaysin whicha

cornpanycan reducetheneedforinventories?


6.Applicationofprocess performance evaluation(Little's law,throughputtime,

Capacity, bottleneck)


7.Quality and operations improvement



Reference no: EM13308856

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How is the choice betweena level strategy : 1.How is the choice betweena level strategy and a chasestrategy influenced by theskill level oftheworkforce and the degree  of automation?
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