How is text mining different from data mining

Assignment Help Management Information Sys
Reference no: EM131852050


1. What is ethical relativism? Do you support the school of thought for ethical relativism? If Yes or No, explain with at least 3 detailed and comprehensive reasons.

2. How does exception reporting differ from compliance reporting? How does Information system aid this reports?

3. How is goal-seeking analysis different from what-if analysis and how do they function?

4. What is text mining? How is it different from data mining? How does text mining work and what is the importance of this process to a business or organization?

Reference no: EM131852050

Questions Cloud

Ump test of size a for testing : Let H0 and H1 be simple and let a ? (0, 1). Suppose that T* is a UMP test of size a for testing H0 versus H1 and that ß
What measure do you think construction companies should take : What measures do you think construction companies should take - or what new safety standards should be implemented ?
Nondecreasing function g : Let F1 and F2 be two c.d.f.'s on R. Show that F1(x) = F2(x) for all x if and only if ? g(x)dF2(x) = ?g(x)dF1(x) for any nondecreasing function g.
Double exponential distribution : The following families have monotone likelihood ratio: (a) the double exponential distribution family {DE(?, c)} with a known c;
How is text mining different from data mining : How is text mining different from data mining? How does text mining work and what is the importance of this process to a business or organization?
Location invariant estimator : Show that if there is a location invariant estimator T0 of µ with finite mean, then E0[T (X)|D = d] is finite a.s. P for any location invariant estimator T.
Identify the required pre-workshop activities : Identify the required pre-workshop activities. Justify the assignment of probability and impacts for each threat identified in criterion number 3 of assignment.
Double exponential distribution : Let X1, ..., Xn be i.i.d. from the double exponential distribution DE(µ, 1) with an unknown µ ? R. Under the squared error loss, find the MRIE of µ.
Squared error loss : Let T be a location invariant estimator of µ in a one-parameter location problem. Show that T is an MRIE under the squared error loss


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