Reference no: EM133810882
How do you think the United States compares to European Union countries with regard to human rights? Do we have the same challenges? The same attitudes toward immigration? The same issues within our respective judicial branches? What is the same? What is different? How can judicial systems demonstrate human rights?
How did the practice of Centering Prayer impact the lives of the men featured in the documentary? What specific changes or transformations did they experience as a result of this spiritual practice? Second question - What role does Centering Prayer play in helping the incarcerated individuals deal with trauma and toxic shame? Why do you think this practice might be effective in a prison setting? Link here in order to do this section -
How is race, ethnicity, and poverty related to Debtor's prisons in the US? Link is here for "this question -
What is Kennedy saying in this quote?
Quote - " if justice is priced in the marketplace , individual liberty will be curtailed and respect for law diminishing ".
5. 1. In what way(s) do you think Mr. Plummer's upbringing impacted his criminal actions as a teen?
2. Why did he sell drugs? What was he initially trying to obtain?
3. What actions did Mr. Plummer take in prison to best take advantage of the opportunities afforded him?
4. What were some of the struggles Mr. Plummer, and other returning citizens, faced in trying to get his life back together after he was released? What was the impact of COVID?
5. What does Mr. Plummer currently do to help others not make the same choices as he did?