How is marginal analysis used in price and output decisions

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM131227595

Economics Assignment: Characteristics of the Various Market Structures

The market structures influence how price and output decisions are made by the firms in their respective structure. In all market structures, one of the primary goals is to maximize profits or minimize losses.

One of the major differences between these market structures is how price and output decisions are made, which in turn depends on the characteristics of each market structure. There are four market structures:

Perfect competitionMonopolistic competitionOligopolyMonopoly


Using Template A, construct a table that describes the various characteristics of each market structure.

Identify a firm for each of these market structures and explain why each firm belongs in the market structure identified.

Using Microsoft Excel, construct a graph for each of the market structures and explain how price and output decisions are made in each structure and how they differ.

How is marginal analysis used in the price and output decisions of firms in the various market structures?

Template A:







Number of Firms

Pricing Decisions

Output Decisions


Demand Curve

Ease of Entry

Product Differentiation


Prepare a 5-10 page Microsoft Word document that includes the tasks noted above and meets APA standards.Include a summary section in your report that contains5-7 bullet points identifying your major findings or conclusions of your paper. Submit this report as your initial post in the W4, Continue your discussions until the end of the week by commenting on at least two other submissions by your peers, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each post.

All submissions must be original and all resources must be acknowledged.

Reference no: EM131227595

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