Reference no: EM133338362
Assignment: Final "Who is Jesus Christ?" Paper
This essay should be 800words. This essay should be in Chicago Turabian and should follow all of our usual writing guidelines as listed in the syllabus. In writing this essay a second time, I want you to now think about this question in light of all we have read. Has any particular reading shaped or sharpened your new response to and understanding of this question? Consider what was insufficient or lacking from your original response and what was good but needed to be explained or accounted for further. Critique your previous response according to the biblical text and scholarly sources we have used and answer the question again using the course texts. This assignment is designed to help you and me see how much your critical thinking skills and ability to think theologically have developed and sharpened over the course of the semester. You are NOT merely correcting your first essay and you are NOT just rewriting what you wrote in your first essay. You are 1) critiquing your first essay and 2) responding to the same prompt a second time.
For this essay:
1. Critique and/or specify your previous answer using our course texts and ONLY our course texts. (How would a Christian theologian critique or specify your original response.
2. Answer the questions from the first essay listed below (i,ii,iii,iv) again now using the Bible and our other course texts to answer the question. All of your answers to the questions below MUST 1) have a citation from the Bible or our course readings for ALL the claims you are making about Jesus, God, and discipleship and 2) incorporate quotations form the Bible and our course readings for MOST of the claims you are making. For example, DO NOT say Jesus is the Son of God or the Son of man or the Lamb of God or a savior without citing where specifically in the Hebrew Bible these terms come from, what specifically they are referring to, and then what they theologically mean in Christianity according to our other secondary course readings.
Questions: Answer these questions according to the biblical text and any other sources we used in this class. Do NOT use sources we did not use in class for this assignment. Answer these questions according to what a Christian theologian would say the correct and robust responses to these questions are. Do not answer these questions according to your own beliefs. The task of this assignment if for you to accurately articulate the answers to these question from the perspective of the Christian tradition using our course texts.
i) Who is Jesus Christ? What is his significance? What is his meaning? Be very specific and nuanced. Remember this is a college theology paper.
ii) How is Jesus related to YHWH?
iii) Who does Jesus Christ call his followers to be and what does he call them to do?
iv) How are followers of Jesus called to behave in community? How is this community of followers called to engage with and act towards the world?