Reference no: EM13918010
1) Which Roman philosophy taught that there was no afterlife?
2) The most "popular" story depicted in the catacombs is:
3) We noticed a variant of the swastika symbol associated with which figure in early Christian painting?
4) Which Roman emperor was a stoic philosopher?
5) After the period of Constantine, how is Jesus depicted in Christian art?
6) E. R. Dodds identified which three reasons for the "success" of early Christianity?
7) What was the greatest Roman innovation in architecture?
8) Which two structures illustrate Roman eclecticism?
9) Which of the following is not depicted on the Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus?
10) In the Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus, which two figures are standing on either side of Jesus?
11) Which term should be associated with the Pantheon?
12) Which term describes the "porch" of a Greek temple?
13) What is the term Aristotle uses to describe the audience's reaction to a tragedy?
14) Name types of structure symbolizes most clearly the Roman imperial character?
15) What was the greatest Roman innovation in architecture?
16) What term describes a late Roman type of portraiture art?
17) Which Roman philosophy taught that there was no afterlife?
18) Trajan's column matches up best with which term?
19) We can distinguish among the three orders of Greek temple architecture more clearly by examining what feature?
20) In "The Warrior's Leavetaking" we see the the new "realistic perspective" of Greek art illustrated in the optical technique of ___:
21) In the earliest Christian art Jesus is depicted as a ____ and only later as a ____.
22) The capture of Corinth is associated with which date(s)?
23) We can explain why Jesus suddenly is depicted as "universal ruler" by reference to what date?
24) Which Roman philosophy is answered by Philippians 4:11-13?
25) We see which Greek quality illustrated in the "adjustments" made to the Parthenon?
26) The "fall of Rome" is associated with which date(s)?
27) Which order of Greek temple architecture is associated with the Hellenistic period?
28) Greek tragedy and comedy originated in the annual celebrations surrounding which Greek god?
29) Which term describes the "excessive pride" of a tragic hero?
30) What are Jesus' feet resting on in the central panel of the sarcophagus of Junius Bassus?
31) Corinth was captured in what year?
32) The American idea of "a melting pot" corresponds to which Roman value?
33) How does the Colosseum illustrate eclecticism?
34) "a city on a hill" corresponds to which Roman value?
35) What is the best-known surviving portion of the Roman highway?
36) which type of building became the pattern for medieval cathedrals?
37) The style of the pantheon was imitated by which architect?
38) What was the most popular story depicted in catacombs?
39) "building a better mousetrap" corresponds to which Roman value?
40) Who is associated with the so-called "Christian" answer for the fall of Rome?
41) Which 18th century historian can be associated with the "rationalist" answer for the fall of Rome?
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