Reference no: EM133718957
Explanation of Assignment:
The purpose of this assignment is to apply insights learned through purposeful observation to document the toddler's development and how this information will be used.
For this assignment, students will view short video clips of toddlers at play and their environment. Then prepare a set of raw notes based on the videos. Watch it several times, focusing on the child's involvement. How does each child spend most of his time doing? How is he interacting with materials and people? How is he involved with the environment?
Once you have viewed the clip, you will begin document the child's growth and skills. Use format provided to complete an partial assessment on this child. Prepare documentation four areas of development [social-emotional; cognitive, language and perceptual and motor]
PART I. The Child
Based on your observation of male child, describe his features [must include his height, weight, color of hair, eye color, skin tone, what was the child wearing from head to toe.]
Prepare a written observation summary assessment of the child. Use a paragraph format. [Use the grading rubric will be helpful to follow when completing Part II]
A. Motor Learning and Development Body. Choose one area of development: Gross Motor, Fine Motor or Perceptual Development. (paragraph format)
Prepare a paragraph to write about one area of development. You must include:
An example from your observation. Using your Raw Notes, provide a describe of what you observed the child doing.
The definition of the topic and your source for the definition. You MUST use quotation marks when you copy the definition and a citation identifying the source.
Citation: source of your definition.
B. Cognitive Learning and Development. Choose one area of development: Cause and Effect, Spatial Relationships, Problem-Solving; Imitation, Memory, Number Sense, Classification, Symbolic Play, Attention Maintenance, or Understanding of Personal Care Routines. (paragraph format)
Prepare a paragraph to write about one area of development. You must include:
An example from your observation. Using your Raw Notes, provide a describe of what you observed the child doing.
The definition of the topic and your source for the definition. You MUST use quotation marks when you copy the definition and a citation identifying the source.
Citation: source of your definition.
C. Language Learning and Development. Choose one area of development: Receptive Language, Expressive Language, Communication Skills and Knowledge, or Interest in Print. (paragraph format)
Prepare a paragraph to write about one area of development. You must include:
An example from your observation. Using your Raw Notes, provide a describe of what you observed the child doing.
The definition of the topic and your source for the definition. You MUST use quotation marks when you copy the definition and a citation identifying the source.
D. Social-Emotional Learning and Development. Choose one area of development: Interactions with Adults, Relationships with Adults, Interactions with Peers, Relationships with Peers, Identity of Self in relation to Others, Recognition of Ability, Expression of Emotion, Empathy, Emotion Regulation, or Impulse Control. (paragraph format)
Prepare a paragraph to write about one area of development. You must include:
An example from your observation. Using your Raw Notes, provide a describe of what you observed the child doing.
The definition of the topic and your source for the definition. You MUST use quotation marks when you copy the definition and a citation identifying the source.
Citation: source of your definition.
Answer the following set of questions to complete for this assignment.
E. What is the overall impression of the whole child?
What was your overall impression of the toddler? His skills, abilities and development? [at least two paragraphs]
What influences do you think have an impact on this child's development? [at least one paragraph]
What did you learn about child development from this observation? [at least one paragraph]
How will you use this information with your work with infants and toddlers and their families? [at least one paragraph]
Remember to use the first grading rubric is Part I and Part II for the infant/toddler observation and documentation.
PART III. REFLECTION- Due November 21, 2023
For this part of the assignment draw from the observations gathered and ideas from the textbook and the Infant/Toddler Learning and Development Foundations.
Students will continue to use the same child from part 1, and the textbook when preparing part 2 of this assignment. They can be found under the modules in CANVAS labeled Infant Observation and Documentation Assignment.
Students are encouraged to review the videos and use the textbook, create a summary (students can create a slide deck or PowerPoint presentation) that answers the questions below:
Answer the following questions:
What are the important steps to consider for complete an assessment on the child from the video clips?
How will use the observation information you have gathered about this child?
What additional questions do you have that you could not glean from your observations?
Now, what? How will use these questions and information gathered?
What role does family play in the observation and assessment process?
Reflect on your role as the teacher in the process. What do you need to consider and why?
Must include in your slide deck, or PowerPoint quotes from these references mentioned in the above to support your assertions. In addition, make sure you include examples and citations to support your thinking. Cite your references using the following format: [Wittmer & Petersen, Chapter 4, page 86]. Include references from the textbook and other references to deepen your understanding of the importance of observations, documentation, reflection, implementation, working with families and the use of the information collect.