How is elastic demand for a particular good

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133661195


1. Identify and explain three of the factors that hglp determine how elastic demand for a particular good is. Discuss how the factors you select would help explain the price elasticity of demand for a sweater from the Banana Republic.

2. Justin Bieber has released a new exercise video for his loyal fans. If he charges a $20 subscription fee, he expects to sell 100,000 subscriptions; if he charges $30, he expects to sell 60,000. Calculate the elasticity of demand for this product between those two points. Is-this demand elastic or inelastic?

3. Johnny used to make $2,500 a month and eat sushi three times per month. Now he is making $3,500 a month and is eating sushi seven times per month. What is Johnny's income elasticity of demand for sushi? For Johnny, is sushi 1) a normal good or an inferior good, and 2) a necessity or a luxury?

4. Netflix raises its service price from $11 per month to $14 per month. This causes the number of people subscribing to HCCCtinder - a school-specific dating app - toincrease from 2,200 to 2,500. What is the cross-price elasticity of demand? Based upon your answer, are Netflix and HCCCtinder substitutes or compliments?

Reference no: EM133661195

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