How is consumer data being used by marketers to support

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM133392915

Question: Choose a well- known product category (not a single product and not a brand) and identify that product category in your subject title and discuss:

To what consumer market segment is that product category being targeted? How can you tell? What evidence do you find?

How is consumer data being used by marketers to support the marketing of the products in that category? What evidence can you find for your views?

How would an understanding of marketing technology help the marketing manager of a new brand entrant into that product category?

Discuss a possible future application of technology for that category that is not quite possible today, but might be in the near future.

Be sure to support your ideas with sources from the readings and this week's lecture.

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Reference no: EM133392915

Questions Cloud

Do consumers expect companies to be good corporate citizens : Do consumers expect companies to be good corporate citizens in their community? I>s this part of corporate social responsibility? If so, how does this manifest
How explicitly have they integrated their communication : Pick a brand and list all of that brands marketing communication materials, i.e., Advertising, Television, Public Relations, etc
Dual federalism and cooperative federalism : What are the main differences between dual federalism and cooperative federalism?
Describe how you would segment this part of the market : Describe how you would segment this part of the market further ?Assuming that this target audience is aware of the program but does not appear to be attracted
How is consumer data being used by marketers to support : How is consumer data being used by marketers to support the marketing of the products in that category? What evidence can you find for your views
Explain political attitudes and political ideologies : Explain political attitudes and political ideologies. Compare amongst the attitudes and ideologies mentioned in the text.
Do you think the government should be part : Do you think the government should be part of these negotiations regarding fee for service? Outside of medicare and medicaid of course since those are under
What do you need to learn about your company and products : What do you need to learn about your company and products or services, your customers, your competitors, and your industry?
About the public-private partnership : Do you agree with his recommendations about the "public-private partnership" between government and private "manufacturing" enterprises in America?


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