How is asd identified and diagnosed

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Reference no: EM132467941

Assignment: Answer the questions in complete paragraphs (at least 3), APA style (citations/references) and make sure to separate/number the answers

Question 1. Explain the differences between Classic Autism and Asperger Disorder according to the DSM-V (Diagnostic Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association).

Question 2. How is ASD identified and diagnosed? Name and describe some of the measurement tools.

Question 3. Describe the characteristics of ASD under each criterion: a) language deficits, b) social differences, c) behavior, and d) motor deficits.

Question 4. List and describe the evidence-base practices for educating ASD children discussed in chapter 2.

Question 5. Describe the differences between a focused intervention and comprehensive treatment models.

Question 6. What are the components of effective instruction for students with ASD?

Reference no: EM132467941

Questions Cloud

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How does the study of global health systems : How does the study of global health "systems" relate to the study of global health?which country do you think has the best health system in the world? Why?
What intricate relationship with television watching : What is the Intricate Relationship between Television Watching and Childhood Obesity? What else should you include besides a synthesis of research?
How is asd identified and diagnosed : How is ASD identified and diagnosed? Name and describe some of the measurement tools. Describe the characteristics of ASD under each criterion.
What steps should have been taken to avoid the exposure : For your first post, prepare a detailed response for one of the ten scenarios, explaining your conclusion regarding whether the scenario constitutes.
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What were your five highest strengths : What were your five highest strengths? Describe how these strengths are expressed in your daily life. Are there any you do not exercise regularly?
What is the specific behavior you want to change : Choose a goal you want to achieve or a behavior you want to change. For example, it could be a specific behavior, such as an eating habit, managing anger.


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