Reference no: EM131370630
Question 1:
Humans generate and use art to create order, explain, and in some cases control their lives in a chaotic world. In 3 well-developed paragraphs, discuss:
What do you think art is?
Why do you think it is important to study art as an academic discipline?
How is a work of art different from something that is artistic or creative?
Be sure to explain your ideas clearly and support them by discussing specific works of art that you have read about this week, talking about how they illustrate and support your ideas.
Question 2:
While the Italian Renaissance was a rebirth of interest in the classical world, the Northern Renaissance saw other interests take center stage. One interest that both Italian and Northern Renaissance shared was an interest in the natural world, including a concern for creating the illusion of a 3-dimensional world on a 2-dimensional plane. In 3 well-developed paragraphs, discuss:
Explain why some artistic elements in works such as the Limbourg Brother's Très Riches Heures (1411-1416) look realistic to you and which do not look realistic. Discuss whether the figures fit into the space, whether their movements are realistic, whether their clothes fit their bodies properly, and whether there are shadows that make sense.
Two of the great innovations of the Renaissance in painting were the artist's ability to depict a more contemporary world, and to create the illusion of a three-dimensional world in a painting. Two important artists played a key role in helping to bring about this shift, Cimabue and Giotto di Bondone (known as Giotto). By studying and comparing 3 of their paintings, you can see how this innovation developed.
Cimabue. Virgin and Child Enthroned. 1280.
Giotto. Virgin and Child Enthroned. 1310.
Giotto. Marriage at Cana, Raising of Lazarus, Lamentation, and Resurrection / Noli Me Tangeri. 1305-06. (Note: scroll down to image 18-8.)
Discuss at least 3 specific details or elements that progressively illustrate the artist's concern for depicting a more natural world.
at least 3 specific details or elements that progressively illustrate the illusion of a three-dimensional world on the two-dimensional surface of the painting.
Be sure to explain your ideas clearly and support them by discussing specific works of art that you have read about this week, talking about how they illustrate and support your ideas.
Assignment 3
You likely noticed that during the two hundred years covered in this week's study there were radical changes in how the human figure is depicted in Italy, from something that was highly stylized to an idealized form that looked more real yet was strongly influenced by the Classical Age of ancient Greece and Rome. In the Northern Europe, however, depiction of the human form remained rooted in the Middle Ages and remained somewhat stylized.
Use the textbook and/or online sources to locate and capture three works of art.
one from the Early Renaissance (fourteenth century, 1300-1399)
one from the Northern European Renaissance (fifteenth century, 1400-1499)
one from the Italian Renaissance (fifteenth century, 1400-1499)
Your works of art must either be all paintings or all sculptures.
Place these images in a Word document. Then do the following:
For each image identify:
The artist
Title of the work of art
The date(s) it was created
The medium or materials used to create the work of art, such as oil paint, marble, etc.
Where the work is located now.
In a well-developed paragraph (4-6 sentences) provide at least two important historical facts about each piece that makes the piece important to the history of art. In another well-developed paragraph (4-6 sentences), describe how the artist had depicted the human figure, supporting your observation using vocabulary from this week's reading.
In a 6-10-sentence concluding paragraph(s):
Compare and contrast how the depiction of the human figure has changed. Be sure to note such things as general appearance of the figures; their body types; whether the figures have been stylized, elongated, or idealized; and whether their clothing, colors, and other visual details have changed.
Based on your reading and what you learned from the historic facts you have for each work of art discuss what may have been influencing factors behind these changes.
Offer a citation of your sources for each image and the information provided as appropriate.
Assignment 4
Question 1:
During the Renaissance and Baroque periods the type of patron diversified beyond the church to include private individuals, city governments, and corporate commissions, sponsored by entities such as the Wool Guild. These patrons that were outside of the church were essential to artists to ensure their financial livelihood. Often artists, like Michelangelo, were forced to take commissions and complete works that they did not want to undertake. In 3 well developed paragraphs, discuss:
Michelangelo's version of David was a public monument commissioned by the Florentine city council. How do you see the context of a city government as patron influencing how Michelangelo visualized the biblical hero David?
The biblical hero David was a popular subject for sculpture and painting throughout the Renaissance and into the Baroque period. By studying, comparing, and contrasting sculptures of David created in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries, you can begin to see the stylistic changes that occurred across these centuries. In 3 well-developed paragraphs, compare and contrast the following 3 sculptures of David:
Early Renaissance: Donatello. David. 1446-1460 (Note: Scroll down to figure 20-14).
High Renaissance: Michelangelo. David. 1501-1504. (figure 21-10).
Baroque. Gian Lorenzo Bernini. David. 1623. (figure 23-4)
In your comparison, discuss:
What specific visual similarities do you observe in these three sculptures?
What specific differences do you see?
How has the attitude of David changed between these three representations of David?
Be sure to explain your ideas clearly and support them by discussing specific works of art that you have read about this week, talking about how they illustrate and support your ideas.
Question 2:
In Northern Europe, the group portrait was a popular genre of painting in the Dutch Republic, and Rembrandt was in high demand as a portraitist. In 3 well developed paragraphs, discuss:
How did Rembrandt revolutionize the group portrait? Examine his works The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp and The Company of Captain Frans Banning Cocq (The Night Watch)?
Artists like Rembrandt and the other successful Dutch portrait artists laid the foundation for what today is seen as a proper or successful portrait. From the official portrait of Kate Middleton (2013) in England, to the portraits of US presidents, to those of CEOs in major corporations all owe a debt to the work of Rembrandt, Hals, and other seventeeth-century portrait painters. Locate 2 contemporary portraits and discuss the visual characteristics that are inspired by Rembrandt's style.
Be sure to explain your ideas clearly and support them by discussing specific works of art that you have read about this week, talking about how they illustrate and support your ideas.
Respond to both questions as thoroughly as possible, making sure to use information from the readings and the lectures. All responses should be in complete sentence form, using proper spelling and grammar.
Discussion question responses should be at least a one-half, double-spaced page in length. Your responses to your peers' writing should be at least a good paragraph in length for each question and should include specifics from the text or lecture.
Assignment 5
You likely noticed that during the three hundred years covered in this week's study that religious art remained quite important just as it had been in earlier "art ages." There were monumental changes, however, in the way the religious subjects were depicted.
Use the textbook and/or online sources to locate and capture three works of religious art. All three pieces should be dealing with the same subject matter- for example, the Crucifixion, mother and child, or the Last Supper. Capture one image from each:
the Early Renaissance period
the High Renaissance period
the Baroque period
Your works of art must either be all paintings or all sculptures. (Do not use the three David sculptures from Assignment 1 as your comparisons.)
Place these images in a Word document. Then do the following:
Identify each image with the following information:
Name of the artist
Title of the work
Date of the work
Medium/materials used to create the work
Current location
In a well-developed paragraph (4-6 sentences) for each:
One to two important historical facts about each piece.
Describe and analyze how the artist has used at least one of the artistic elements, such as color, composition, or use of light, supporting your observation using vocabulary from this week's reading. You should focus on the same element for all 3 works.
In a 6-10-sentence concluding paragraph(s) discuss specifically how religious art has changed compared to each period and geographical region, and what may have been influencing factors behind these changes.
How has religious art changed compared to each, based on your observations as to how each artist used the art element you have focused on exploring?
What events in history may have been influencing factors behind these changes, and why?
Offer a citation of your sources for each image and the information provided as appropriate.