Reference no: EM131378018
Paper is on the short story "Young Goodman Brown" by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Tentative thesis statement is below, I just need the rest. Full instructions are also below:
Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown" depicts a young Puritan man on a journey of good and evil; this journey shows Goodman that all men are inherently evil and hypocritical.
Topic for Paper 1: How is a literary theme represented in a short story? You will develop a paper that answers this question and demonstrates the following outcomes for writing and literature. You will be able to
- Analyze literature for a purpose
- Distinguish digital or print materials through annotation to demonstrate reading and summary skills
- Identify a theme in a short story
- Identify one to three examples in the story that support the theme
- Write a thesis statement that clearly identifies the title of a story, its author, the theme, and what the paper will discuss about the story and the theme
- Write clear topic sentences for paragraphs that let the reader know what the paragraph will discuss
- Write paragraphs that explain how the examples from the story support the theme
- Arrange a paper by presenting paragraphs in a logical and interesting fashion
- Write sentences in standard American English that clearly express ideas
- Demonstrate the MLA style of formatting in the layout of a paper
- Demonstrate the MLA style of formatting by documenting material from the story within the paper and on a Work Cited page
- Explain what you have learned about your writing process in a clear and logical fashion
Overview of the Workshop Format for Paper 1
Writing this paper will be done in a process that allows you to practice and develop your writing skills in the discussions. During Weeks 1 through 4, you will work on your paper in the classroom, receive feedback from your instructor, and build your paper, part-by-part, into your final version. It will allow you time over this period to get to know and develop your writing process through a workshop format as you will be able to revise and edit the different sections as you go along, thereby demonstrating the writing skills needed for that particular section of the paper.
To be successful in this process, you must be active and engaged in the discussions and post in a timely fashion. That way, you can successfully demonstrate the weekly skills and be building your paper.
Week 1: Critical Reading Strategies and Selection of Topic. During Week 1, you will cover strategies to help you with critical reading, including techniques for reading and annotating digital materials. To prepare you for working with your topic for the paper, you will work on these strategies in Week 1 (and throughout the course). During Week 1, you will study the concept of theme and the genre of the short story. You will choose your short story and theme from the list provided by your instructor.
Week 2: Thesis. Your thesis statement should include the story and the theme. You will workshop the thesis of your paper during Week 2 in the discussions. Outlining and organizational strategies will also be covered.
Week 3: Development. The development or body of the paper will focus on finding examples in the story that support the theme and then explaining in your paper how they do so. During Week 3, you will workshop strategies for developing body paragraphs in the discussion. Except for the stories themselves, you will be developing this material through your own observations; you are not to use outside sources for this material.
Week 4: Sentence Level and MLA. Your writing should be carefully proofed for sentence-level concerns. Your final paper should be formatted and documented according to MLA documentation in the form of parenthetical citations and a Works Cited page. During Week 4, you will resources for these areas. In the discussion, you will continue to workshop these areas. You will submit the final paper at the end of Week 4, along with your Reflection on your writing process (see below).
Hints: Remember that your reader has read the story and is familiar with it. You do not have to spend time on summary. Instead, your development should explain and analyze how the theme is demonstrated in your story.
Special Hint about Plot: Be aware that a paper about a piece of literature is NOT a plot summary. Your plot summary, if you must have one, should provide only the details necessary to highlight the parts of the story which help to develop your paper, such as a short paragraph of five to six sentences.
Reflection on your Writing Process: On a separate page of your submission, provide an overview of your writing process for this essay and what you have learned about your writing process by developing your paper. Also note two areas which you would like feedback on, such as thesis statement and topic sentences.
When you are satisfied that your paper and your reflection are complete, upload your work to the Assignments Folder within the link "Paper 1" by the deadline.
Word Count: 500-750 words.
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