Reference no: EM131538721
Assignment Step by Step
For this assignment, you are going to create a brochure that will include information and resources for young children (Birth- 3 years old) with special needs. Click on the resources icon below for the assignment template.
Please use the template provided to you, but feel free to change the font and color to make the brochure more appealing. You should delete everything in RED and add your own information).
Your brochure should include the following sections:
1. How is a child screened and evaluated? Please refer to the template and identify the specific agency in your home state that screens and evaluates a child ages birth to three.
You should explain the screening and evaluation process. This section of the brochure should include 3-5 complete sentences and an appropriate heading.
*Go to Google or another search engine and put in the search box, for example, Early Intervention, Florida to find the agency in your state.
2. Describe the necessity of early identification of special needs and the importance of early intervention.
Please refer to the template and describe what you learned from researching state early intervention programs that can be used by an early childhood care professional to promote early identification of and early intervention for infants, toddlers, and young children with disabilities. This section of the brochure should amount to at least one full paragraph and include an appropriate heading.
3. What are some specific examples of services available and what do these services entail? In this section of the brochure, research
specific examples of services available such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, family counseling, etc. Make sure to share about a minimum of 3 services and describe what the services entail. This section of the brochure should include 3-5 complete sentences and an appropriate heading.
4. Share at least 4 effective strategies for young children with special needs.
Please refer to the template and describe at least 4 effective teaching strategies for young children with special needs. This section of the brochure should amount to at least one full paragraph and include an appropriate heading. You should use your text as well as Kaplan's Library to research resources that focus on these effective teaching strategies for children with special needs.
5. Identify some developmentally appropriate activities that can be implemented to assist these children in their real-life experiences.
In this section of the brochure, describe developmentally appropriate activities in at least 3-5 complete sentences. Please include an appropriate heading. Use Kaplan's Library to research resources that focus on developmentally appropriate activities and how they relate to real-life experiences. You will need to share and compare your findings between what you researched and what you learned in this course.
As with all writing, be sure to include citations if you use information from any source to avoid plagiarism. It is always necessary to give the author credit. In addition, please make sure to include a reference page.
The viewpoint and purpose of this assignment should be clearly established and sustained and should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful. Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics.
Attachment:- unit_9_0.rar