Reference no: EM131766177
1. If Martin Luther travelled through time to 1795 what would shock him and what would remain familiar? [You can consider more than religion]
2. How important was the written or printed word to the Reformation, the new science, the Enlightenment, and the French Revolution? What does this say about who was involved in discussions? [Explore 3 events]
** There are 2 questions in total, each of the question should answer as essay format. The length of each question should answer 1.5 page double space.
** The assignment is due in 30 hours.
Try to use examples from the readings, discussing a specific person, text, or event helps (evidence!)
1. provide a clear thesis statement in your introduction. A thesis needs to stake out your position and should be followed by a sentence briefly summarizing how you intend to prove it.
2. Use at least three examples as evidence for your argument. Devote a separate paragraph (at least) to each point.
• All general statements need to be followed by specific examples or details to elaborate the point.
• You should offer a brief description of your example to establish the context for your analysis. Provide who, what, when, where, and how/why.
• You should explicitly tell me how this supports your argument.
• You should provide a transition to your next example by showing its connection to the current example.